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list of top 20 best network penetration testing tools

Top 20 Best Network Penetration Testing Tools 

Granting the increased globalization of organizations, the security of networks is one of the critical concerns of today’s organizations regardless of their size.

In today’s world of growing threats of cybercrimes and data theft, the need to find weak spots in the company’s network is crucial while it is still a part of your infrastructure.

Network penetration testing pen testing or Ethical hacking is a type of security assessment to identify and prove the map of vulnerability in the computer system, network or Web application deliberately for authorisation.

Over the next few minutes, we are going to take a look at the List of Top 20 Best Network Penetration Testing Tools that security experts ought to be aware of.

What is Network Penetration Testing?

Network penetration testing can be defined as the pragmatic process of auditing your network to expose its future attackers’ perceived weaknesses and entries.

The idea is to know the points which are still weak and can be breached by malicious hackers. Penetration testing is a useful method for securing an organization’s structure and ensuring compliance with data protection measures.

List of Top 20 Best Network Penetration Testing Tools 

list of top 20 best network penetration testing tools 1

Before we begin our list of the top 20 best network penetration testing tools.

Please know that we were only able to create this list after collecting detailed inputs from our 50+ Cybersecurity Analysts. Who are using these tools almost every day. Their expert insights and practical knowledge have helped us to make this list.

1. Nmap

At number one on our list is Nmap. A well-known tool that is used to scan networks and get more significant info about hosts in a network including open ports, services, OS, etc.

2. OpenVAS

Advanced vulnerability-solving tool that enables one to identify the vulnerabilities within devices on the network, servers or applications.

3. Masscan

An efficient TCP port scanner that can scan the internet encompassing millions of IPs in less than six minutes.

4. Zmap

An Internet-wide Network Scanner that only takes 33 minutes to scan the entire internet and is therefore perfect for Internet-wide scans.

5. Metasploit

A specific set of tools used in pen-testing offers a tuft of techniques with which one can assess system vulnerabilities.

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6. Burp Suite

A web application penetration testing tool to pinpoint flaws like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

7. Core Impact

It is a kind of commercial penetration testing tool that offers an extensive list of features for discovering and exploiting existing flaws.

8. Immunity Canvas

A professional-level penetration testing tool that offers all the necessary utilities to discover and learn more about the specific weaknesses in a target system.

9. Meterpreter

A high-level, interactive post-exploitation tool that allows the attacker to have a shell on a fully compromised System.

10. BeEF

A penetration testing tool that offers a structure for exploiting flaws that exist in a web browser.

11. Cobalt Strike 

A popular commercial penetration testing tool that contains a set of powerful tools for the next steps after exploitation.

12. PowerSploit

PowerSploit Package of PowerShell Modules for Penetration-Testing and Post-Exploitation.

13. Aircrack-ng

A set of tools that can be used in auditing wireless networks, such as password crackers, packet sniffers, etc.

14. Wireshark

A protocol analyzer that enables one to get much information on a network.

15. John the Ripper

An application that can be used to bypass passwords, and at the same time, identify the passwords that are easiest to crack.

16. Hydra

A password cracking tool that can crack passwords for protocols like FTP, POP, imap and HTTP.

17. Recon-ng

A web spider tool that offers a structure for acquiring data on websites and their related networks.

18. Maltego 

It is a network reconnaissance tool that offers users a graphical means through which they can obtain information concerning the networks and systems within a network.

19. SQLmap

Freeware for using SQL/SQL Injection attacks on websites to find ordinary and complex flaws.

20. W3af

A web application attack and audit tool that gives exposure to web applications and a set of tools that can be used to assess an application’s safety.

Top 5 Benefits of Network Penetration Testing Tools

yop 5 benefits of network penetration testing tools

We know that there are a plethora of benefits of network penetration testing tools. But according to our Security Analysts, these 5 benefits are the most important ones.

1. Identify Vulnerabilities

The use of network penetration tools assists in exposing the loopholes in systems, networks and applications then patches the same and undertakes mitigative measures.

2. Reduce Risk

Network penetration testing tools will significantly decrease the risks involved with your networks, thus decreasing the possibility of cyber, raising safety levels, preventing hackers’ attacks, and data leaks and, in general, protecting financial resources.

3. Improve Compliance

Network penetration testing tools are useful for managing compliance with several standards, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, as they run controllable and fixable tests for the organization.

4. Enhance Security

Periodic network penetration testing plays a major role in raising security levels since it defines weaknesses, contributes to a proper response to incidents, and decreases the attacker’s accessible openings.

5. Cost Savings

Thus, by evaluating the possible weak points and risks with the help of network penetration testing, an organization will be able to prevent certain costly mistakes such as the necessity to address critical vulnerabilities, loss of reputation due to data leakage and various financial losses.


Finally here is the summary of this blog titled “Top 20 Best Network Penetration Testing Tools

  1. Nmap
  2. OpenVAS
  3. Masscan
  4. Zmap
  5. Metasploit
  6. Burp Suite
  7. Core Impact
  8. Immunity Canvas
  9. Meterpreter
  10. BeEF
  11. Cobalt Strike 
  12. PowerSploit
  13. Aircrack-ng
  14. Wireshark
  15. John the Ripper
  16. Hydra
  17. Recon-ng
  18. Maltego 
  19. SQLmap
  20. W3af


As a part of an organization’s security plan, network penetration testing is a critical element of any cyber security process. Hence, through these above listed 20 best network penetration testing tools, security specialists will be aware of the loopholes, that is exploitable by hackers.

However, you have to note that network penetration testing is a continuous process and therefore needs constant testing and assessment to guarantee the security of the network and other data that may be attached to the network.

FAQs: List of Top 20 Best Network Penetration Testing Tools 

1. What is network penetration testing?

Ans: Network penetration testing, also known as pen testing or ethical hacking, is a simulated cyber attack against a computer system, network, or web application to assess its security vulnerabilities.

2. Why is network penetration testing important?

Ans: Network penetration testing is important because it helps identify vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and web applications, allowing organisations to address security weaknesses before malicious hackers can exploit them.

3. What are the different types of network penetration testing?

Ans: There are three types of network penetration testing: black box testing (no knowledge of the system), white box testing (full knowledge of the system), and grey box testing (partial knowledge of the system).

4. What is the difference between a vulnerability scan and a penetration test?

Ans: A vulnerability scan is an automated scan that identifies potential security vulnerabilities, while a penetration test is a simulated cyber attack that targets specific vulnerabilities to test an organization’s defences.

5. How often should I conduct a network penetration test?

Ans: It’s recommended to conduct a network penetration test at least annually, or whenever significant changes are made to the network or system, to ensure ongoing security and compliance.

6. Can I conduct a network penetration test myself?

Ans: While it’s possible to conduct a network penetration test yourself, it’s recommended to hire a professional penetration tester who has the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to identify vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations.

7. What is the cost of a network penetration test?

Ans: The cost of a network penetration test varies depending on the scope, complexity, and methodology used.

8. How long does a network penetration test take?

Ans: The duration of a network penetration test depends on the scope and complexity of the test. On average, a test can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks or even months.

9. What happens after a network penetration test?

Ans: After a network penetration test, the tester will provide a detailed report outlining identified vulnerabilities, risks, and recommendations for remediation. The organization should then prioritize and implement the recommended fixes.

10. Is network penetration testing a one-time activity?

Ans: No, network penetration testing is an ongoing process. Organizations should conduct regular penetration tests to ensure their defences are up-to-date and effective against evolving cyber threats.

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