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top 15 most website hacking techniques most commonly used by hackers

Top 15 Most Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers

In recent years, with the development of the Internet as a social phenomenon and the focus on the proper use of computers in organizing people’s lives as well as in business processes, the protection of Web sites from hacking has become an important issue that concerns all individuals and companies.

As we see the threat and emergence of cybercriminals, these individuals are always inventing new ways through which they can get past websites’ security and have access to any personally sensitive data that they wish. 

This article will describe the Top 15 Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers.

List of Top 15 Most Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers

list of top 15 most website hacking techniques most commonly used by hackers

Now, it’s time to begin with our most awaited list of Top 15 Most Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers. Please know that all the techniques listed here, are listed only after a careful evaluation and inputs from our team of 50+ Security Analysts.

1. Social Engineering

This technique uses band mastery to press on the psychology of the user to reveal sensitive information or click on suspicious links. Lures of this sort include fake emails from trustworthy sources such as a bank or a social network. Such emails usually work on the fear factor or the baker’s account to make the recipients click on a malicious link or type in the account details into a fake login page.

2. SQL Injection

Data and information are stored in databases and websites. SQL injection attacks take advantage of the loopholes that exist in the way that websites integrate themselves with these databases. This is done by inputting a code in the form of SQL inquiry manipulation protocols that enable them to retrieve, modify and/or transfer whatever is stored in them.

3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

This technique averts the creation of a new web page that looks like an original site in the browser window of the target computer. When a user opens the hosting website, the scripts work in the user’s browser, which can capture session cookies, login details, etc., or lead the user to the phishing site.

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4. Brute-Force Attacks

Criminals exploit password-cracking tools to guess a correct username and password combination through trial and error. This method is workable against sites with poor passwords and poor limitation settings of how frequently a user can attempt to log into the site.

5. Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks

These attacks attempt to send a large amount of traffic to a website thus denying access to the real users. DoS attacks use a single source at the attacker’s end, while DDoS attacks use many devices to increase the magnitude of the attack.

6. Exploiting Outdated Software

The applications, especially the plugins, and the CMS commonly have specific vulnerabilities that are already out in the open. Since the code is left open for developers to integrate and modify, hackers proactively seek these flaws with a view of exploiting them to gain unlawful access.

7. Zero-Day Attacks

These incidents are carried out with previously undiscovered weaknesses in the software. Since there is no patch for this flaw, these attacks can be very effective until someone finds a way to patch it.

8. Malware

Viruses are programs that sneak into the system through downloads from emails, sharing of files, or visiting infected websites and graffiti, log-in details and passwords, recording keystrokes, and opening backdoors for further access.

9. Directory Traversal

To gain access to files that they are not supposed to the hackers always find their ways by taking advantage of any gaps that are present in the directory structure of the web server.

10. Password Spraying

This technique involves entering all the passwords that are frequently used on the sites with different login attempts. Hackers fully exploit this fact realizing that it is common for users to have several accounts that share the same password.

11. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks

These are carried out through Man in The Middle attacks which means the interception of communication between a user and website. They can also steal other information relayed during the interaction such as login details or financial details.

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12. Session Hijacking

A hacker can exploit a user’s session cookie, a string that brands a logged-in user, and log into the account cheating the system that he/she is the user.

13. Code Injection Attacks (Beyond SQL)

SQL injection is considered to be a part of code injection attacks. An attacker can introduce viruses within the many features of the site, perhaps within the Contact Us fields or the search bar, to be allowed unauthorized access or alter the administration of the site.

14. Watering Hole Attacks

This is where hackers isolate particular user groups as they seek to attack websites that the particular groups would browse. The situation means that as soon as a user from the target group gets to the compromised site, a malfunction or an attack is inevitable.

15. DNS Spoofing

Phishing attackers lead the website users to the wrong website, which is a fake one. Persons who key in their login details here thinking it is a genuine site provide these details to the attacker.

Top 7 Practices to Keep Your Website Secure

top 7 practices to keep your website secure

To keep your website safe and secure follow these 7 steps:

1. Keep software up-to-date

Maintain the update of website software, plugins, as well as frameworks to cover the existing threats.

2. Use strong passwords and authentication

Employ strict passwords with proper procedures to set them, users’ two-factor identification, and other efficient means to identify users.

3. Validate user input

Sanitize field data so that the website is protected against SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other forms of attack.

4. Implement HTTPS

Utilize Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure – HTTPS, to encrypt the users’ information and communication.

5. Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Put in a WAF that will help you look out for freshman pattern web attacks.

6. Regularly monitor website activity

Ensure that logs and analytics are monitored after a while as a way of identifying any activeness that is questionable.

7. Implement a backup and disaster recovery plan

Ensure the website data is backed up frequently and a backup plan in the case of a disaster is available.


Here is the summary of the blog titled “Top 15 Most Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers

  1. Social Engineering
  2. SQL Injection
  3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  4. Brute-Force Attacks
  5. Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
  6. Exploiting Outdated Software
  7. Zero-Day Attacks
  8. Malware
  9. Directory Traversal
  10. Password Spraying
  11. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks
  12. Session Hijacking
  13. Code Injection Attacks (Beyond SQL)
  14. Watering Hole Attacks
  15. DNS Spoofing


Website hacking trends and mechanisms are ever-changing and it is important to always update oneself with new threats and openings. Knowing these most commonly used website hacking techniques means knowing what to look out for and how to prevent cyber criminals from getting to your website and the information stored there.

However, understand that website security is more of a process that waxes and wanes, which should be checked and tested regularly. We do advise to go through the rest of the blogs to properly understand and develop your cybersecurity posture.

FAQs: Top 15 Most Website Hacking Techniques Most Commonly Used By Hackers

1. What is social engineering, and how can it be used to hack websites?

Ans: Social engineering manipulates human behaviour to trick users into revealing sensitive information or clicking malicious links. Phishing emails, disguised as legitimate sources, lure victims into compromising website security by surrendering login credentials or unknowingly downloading malware.

2. I have heard of SQL injection. How does it work?

Websites rely on databases. SQL injection attacks target weaknesses in how websites interact with these databases. Hackers inject malicious code disguised as valid database queries, potentially allowing them to steal sensitive information stored within.

3. What are XSS attacks, and why are they dangerous?

Ans: Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks inject malicious scripts into seemingly legitimate websites. When a user visits the compromised site, these scripts run within their browser, potentially stealing data or redirecting them to phishing sites.

4. How can hackers exploit outdated software on my website?

Ans: Outdated software, especially plugins and content management systems (CMS), often contain known vulnerabilities. Hackers actively scan for these vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain unauthorized access to your website.

5. What are DoS and DDoS attacks, and how do they affect websites?

Ans: Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks aim to overwhelm a website with a massive influx of traffic, making it inaccessible to legitimate users. DoS attacks typically come from a single source, while DDoS attacks leverage a network of compromised devices for amplified impact.

6. Why is it important to keep website software updated?

Ans: Software updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities hackers might exploit. Regularly updating software, plugins, and CMS significantly reduces the risk of successful attacks.

7. What are some best practices for creating strong passwords?

Ans: Strong passwords are a crucial defence against brute-force attacks. Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using personal information or dictionary words, and consider using a password manager for complex, unique passwords across different platforms.

8. How can I protect my website from malware?

Ans: There are several steps to take. Keep software updated, install a web application firewall (WAF) to filter malicious traffic, and educate users about not downloading files from untrusted sources or clicking suspicious links.

9. What is a web application firewall (WAF), and how does it help?

Ans: A WAF acts as a security barrier, filtering incoming traffic to your website. It can identify and block malicious requests, such as those containing SQL injection attempts or XSS scripts, safeguarding your website from these attacks.

10. What are some additional steps I can take to enhance my website security?

Ans: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to proactively identify vulnerabilities. Educate users about online security best practices, and implement secure coding practices to minimize risks associated with code injection attacks. Remember, website security is an ongoing process, so vigilance is key.

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