Third Party Risk Management

third party risk management service

What is TPRM?

Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) describes the steps that your company makes to minimize the risk that occurs when you bring on a vendor that handles and processes any of your organization’s data. Every company uses third-party vendors for critical functions of the business—for example, billing, payroll, or a CRM platform. Although these third-party vendors are vital to your operations, they also represent significant unknowns when determining your organization’s risk profile.

Understanding how these vendors safeguard and protect your data, as well as their own operations, are critical components in understanding TPRM. 

Ultimately, the findings from a Third-Party Vendor Assessment are critical to your business, so you need a partner that understands your business and has significant experience completing thorough assessments and recommending appropriate action.

Third-Party Risk Management Services Overview

Our thorough process ensures no stone lies unturned. If there’s a risk to your business as a result of a third-party vendor or in the way they are treating your data, we’ll find it.


Understand your level of inherent risk with each third and fourth-party vendor that your organization is associated with.

Improve how you do business

Develop business processes, communication methods, and best practices for an effective vendor relationship.

Lower your risk

Meet compliance requirements and avoid penalties while increasing protection and sensitivity of your customer’s data.

What we Offer?

Our Third Party Risk Management Services

Vendor Assessment

CyberSapiens will help you conduct a third-party risk assessment to determine how vulnerable your partner data is.

Risk Management

Our Managed Vendor Risk Management Services centers around working with your vendors to reduce risk on a consistent basis.

Managed Security

Our third party cyber risk management services provides the resources to protect partner data on an ongoing basis

Regulatory Compliance

Working with our team will help ensure that all third-party and partner data is stored and handled in compliance with relevant regulations.

Seamless Onboarding

We create a custom intake form and workflow that enables a seamless process for key stakeholders to submit secure and accurate vendor review.

Vendor Visibility

Stay totally informed about the security risks that take place within your vendor ecosystem and lifecycle with our services and technologies.

Our Approach

We provide the expertise and scalability to effectively run your TPRM program. Our approach consists of:

our approach third party risk management cybersapiens

Build a high-performing TPRM program

Overcome challenges in three key areas on your way to building and managing a sound TPRM program.


Vendor Validation

Quickly and confidently ensure new vendors are within your organization’s risk tolerance.

Challenges include:

  • Onboarding and assessing new vendors
  • Validating vendor security controls with subjective data
  • One-size-fits-all assessment efforts 
  • Resource constraints
vendor validation

Continuous Monitoring

Reduce the reassessment burden and manage constantly changing risk throughout the vendor lifecycle.

Challenges include:

  • Conducting cyber risk assessments more frequently than on an annual basis
  • Collaborating with vendors to address areas of risk
  • Assessing cyber risk in the extended supply chain
continuous monitoring cybersapiens

Effective Assurance

Deliver credible evidence that your third parties’ security controls are being managed effectively.

Challenges include:

  • A lack of objective information to measure the performance of third parties’ security controls
  • Reporting on cyber risk across the vendor portfolio
  • Investigating exposure to celebrity vulnerabilities
effective assurance
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The process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks arising from a company's relationships with third-party vendors, contractors, suppliers, or service providers is referred to as third-party risk management. It is the practice of assessing and managing potential risks that may arise when collaborating with third parties to safeguard an organization's reputation, assets, and operations.

Our meticulous procedure ensures that no stone is left unturned. We'll find any risks to your business that are caused by a third-party vendor or the way they handle your data.


Understand the level of the inherent risk associated with each third and fourth-party vendor with which your organization is associated.

Improve your Business Practices

Create business processes, communication methods, and best practices to ensure a successful vendor relationship.

Reduce your Risk

Comply with regulations and avoid penalties while increasing the security and sensitivity of your customers' data.

Vendor Assessment

CyberSapiens will help you conduct a third-party risk assessment to determine how vulnerable your partner's data is.

Risk Management

Our Managed Vendor Risk Management Services centers around working with your vendors to reduce risk consistently.

Managed Security

Our third party cyber risk management services provide the resources to protect partner data on an ongoing basis

Regulatory Compliance

Working with our team will help ensure that all third-party and partner data is stored and handled in compliance with relevant regulations.

Seamless Onboarding

We create a custom intake form and workflow that enables a seamless process for key stakeholders to submit secure and accurate vendor reviews.

Vendor Visibility

Stay informed about the security risks that take place within your vendor ecosystem and lifecycle with our services and technologies.

We provide the expertise and scalability to effectively run your TPRM program. Our approach consists of:

  • Acting as the interface between you and your vendors
  • Gathering vendor risk information (e.g. questionnaires, risk rating data, SOC II reports, etc.)
  • Identifying risk areas and remediation activities (where needed)
  • Providing risk reporting, enabling you to make a risk-based decision
  • Providing ongoing monitoring and vendor follow-up as needed

Vendor Validation

Quickly and confidently ensure new vendors are within your organization’s risk tolerance.


  • Onboarding and assessing new vendors
  • Validating vendor security controls with subjective data
  • One-size-fits-all assessment efforts 
  • Resource constraints

Continuous Monitoring

Reduce the reassessment burden and manage constantly changing risks throughout the vendor lifecycle.


  • Conducting cyber risk assessments more frequently than on an annual basis
  • Collaborating with vendors to address areas of risk
  • Assessing cyber risk in the extended supply chain

Effective Assurance

Deliver credible evidence that your third parties’ security controls are being managed effectively.


  • A lack of objective information to measure the performance of third parties’ security controls
  • Reporting on cyber risk across the vendor portfolio
  • Investigating exposure to celebrity vulnerabilities

A third-party risk management (TPRM) framework is a structured and systematic approach to managing the risks associated with a company's relationships with third-party vendors, contractors, suppliers, or service providers. Policies, procedures, and controls that help identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with third-party relationships are typically included in the framework.

Third-party risk management is important because it assists organizations in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with their relationships with third-party vendors, suppliers, contractors, and service providers. Failure to manage third-party risks can result in a variety of negative outcomes such as financial losses, legal liabilities, reputational damage, and regulatory sanctions. As a result, effective third-party risk management is critical to ensuring business continuity and protecting the organization's assets, reputation, and stakeholders.

Third-party risk management certification is the process of evaluating and certifying an organization's third-party risk management program's effectiveness. It entails evaluating an organization's policies, procedures, and controls for managing the risks associated with third-party relationships.

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