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top 10 best security awareness training providers in canada

Top 10 Best Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada

With the increasing use of technology in society, cybercrime and data breaches have emerged as a global menace to individuals and institutions. Canadian companies and organizations are at risk of cyber threats, particularly for the information they possess; therefore, employees should be informed and prepared to prevent such threats.

It is here that security awareness training is most vital – a significant component of any organization’s security approach.

Security awareness training is an effective training designed to raise the employees’ awareness of measures to avoid cyber threats, phishing scams and other cybercrimes.

Many security awareness training providers in Canada provide effective training modules to organisations to save them from cyber threats.

In this article, we’ll highlight the top 10 best security awareness training providers in Canada, based on their expertise, training programs, and customer reviews.

What is Security Awareness Training?

Before going into the main topic let’s see What Security Awareness Training is;

Security awareness training is an educational program designed to teach people about cybersecurity threats and how to protect themselves and their organizations. It’s like giving your employees a mental toolbox to identify and deal with cyber dangers.

List of Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada

top 10 security awareness training providers in the canada

Here is the main topic of this list of Top 10 best Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada:

1. CyberSapiens: Best Security Awareness Training Online Provider in Canada

On number one of our list of top best security awareness training providers in Canada, we have CyberSapiens. They are the first choice of the companies looking for the best cyber security service provider.

Among many of the cyber security services they offer, Security Awareness Training is just a minor part.

To date, CyberSapiens have trained over:

  1. Over 500,000+ users have been trained
  2. More than 300 sessions have been conducted
  3. Our team of 40+ experts are dedicated to the program 

Under the security awareness training program, we will cover various topics such as:

Main TopicSub Topics
Introduction to Cybersecuritya. Understanding the basics of cybersecurity
b. Importance of cybersecurity in the workplace
Phishing Awarenessa. Identifying phishing emails and messages
b. Recognizing malicious links and attachments
c. Responding to phishing attempts
Password Securitya. Creating strong, unique passwords
b. Importance of password managers
c. Implementing multi-factor authentication
Email Securitya. Safe email practices
b. Recognizing and avoiding email scams
c. Handling suspicious emails
Social Engineering Attacksa. Understanding social engineering tactics
b. Protecting against pretexting, baiting, and other social engineering schemes
Safe Internet Usagea. Recognizing safe and unsafe websites
b. Avoiding malware and malicious downloads
c. Safe browsing practices
Mobile Device Securitya. Securing mobile devices
b. Safe use of apps and mobile internet
c. Mobile device management policies
Data Protection and Privacya. Understanding data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
b. Best practices for handling sensitive data
Importance of data encryption
Remote Work Securitya. Securing home networks and devices
b. Using VPNs and secure connections
c. Safe remote access practices
Incident Responsea. Recognizing and reporting security incidents
b. Steps to take if a breach is suspected
c. Understanding the incident response process
Physical Securitya. Protecting physical access to devices and data
b. Importance of secure workspaces
c. Handling lost or stolen devices
Social Media Securitya. Safe social media practices
b. Recognizing social media scams
c. Protecting personal and professional information on social media
Insider Threatsa. Understanding the risk of insider threats
b. Recognizing suspicious behaviors
c. Policies and practices to mitigate insider threats
Software and System Updatesa. Importance of regular updates and patches
b. Recognizing legitimate update notifications
c. Keeping software and systems current
Recognizing Ransomwarea. Understanding what ransomware is
b. Preventing ransomware attacks
c. Responding to a ransomware infection
Safe Use of Cloud Servicesa. Understanding cloud security risks
b. Safe practices for using cloud storage and applications
c. Protecting data in the cloud
Corporate Policies and Proceduresa. Familiarizing with company-specific security policies
b. Understanding acceptable use policies
c. Adhering to company security protocols
Compliance and Legal Issuesa. Understanding relevant cybersecurity laws and regulations
b. Importance of compliance in the workplace
c. Consequences of non-compliance

2. Cyber Security Canada

CSC, Cyber Security Canada is considered to be one of the top providers of security awareness training in Canada. They are staffed by a group of skilled cyber security experts and provide a number of training such as phishing, ransomware, and cyber security for personnel.

Their training programs are intended to raise awareness of employees on the new threats and measures to mitigate such threats.

3. ESET Canada

ESET Canada is one of the biggest cybersecurity companies that provides different services, one of which is security awareness training.

Their training program is geared toward making employees aware of potential threats such as phishing, ransomware, and malware attacks.

Due to its simple design and content, ESET’s training program can be beneficial for organizations of any size.

top 10 best security awareness training providers in canada and get one free phishing simulation done

4. CyberSmart Canada

CyberSmart Canada is a security training organization that provides a training package that focuses at enhancing the employees’ understanding of cyber security.

It has modules on password protection, email protection, and data protection among others.

As for the training program provided by CyberSmart Canada, the main emphasis is placed on interactive learning, so the program is interesting and informative.

5.KnowBe4 Canada

KnowBe4 is the world’s most successful security awareness training company and operates in the Canadian market as well.

Their training program aims at preparing employees on the current threats such as phishing links, ransomware and other social engineering attacks.

KnowBe4’s training has multiple training modules and simulations to enhance the employee’s awareness of cyber threats and is recommended for organizations in need of a training program.

6. Terranova Security

Terranova Security is a Canadian-based cybersecurity firm that provides various security services including security awareness training.

Their training program is to ensure that employees are well equipped on how to work with IT security concerning passwords, data, and emails.

Since the company employs only experienced cybersecurity specialists, the training program proposed by Terranova Security is not only useful but also entertaining.

7. SecurED. ca

SecurED. ca is a Canadian-based security training organization that provides a detailed training course that aims at creating awareness among employees on the best practices to take in as far as security is concerned.

Some of the topics that are covered in their training program include; phishing scams, ransomware, and data protection among others. SecurED being an interactive program, it aims at creating awareness among the students.

The training program of SecurED. ca is quite interactive and educative at the same time.

8. CybeReady

CybeReady is a security awareness training company that provides its clients with several training modules aimed at enhancing the employees’ cybersecurity knowledge.

Some of the course topics they offer are password security, email security, and data protection among others.

CybeReady’s training program is highly engaging and informative due to the emphasis on those aspects that are interactive.

9. InfoSec Institute

InfoSec Institute is a prominent cybersecurity training provider active in Canada and other regions around the world.

HSE training of employees’ level of cybersecurity is aimed at the prevention of such threats as phishing, ransomware, and social engineering.

InfoSec Institute’s training program provides organizations with a variety of training modules and interactive simulations that are beneficial for cybersecurity training.

10. Cybersecurity Awareness Training (CAT)

Cybersecurity Awareness Training (CAT) is a Canada-based training organization that provides a complete training and awareness program to employees to make them aware of best practices for cybersecurity.

They offer training and courses on phishing scams, ransomware, data protection, and others. CAT’s training program is both entertaining and educational due to the emphasis on learning through activity.

Top 4 Benefits of Security Awareness Training

4 benefits of security awareness training

In the above section you have seen the list of the top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada now let’s see the benefits of Security Awareness Training

1. Reduced Risk of Cyber Attacks

Security awareness training is the process of informing employees about the threats and how they can protect the organization against them, for instance, phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and social engineering attacks.

2. Improved Compliance

Some of the regulatory bodies mandate organizations to train their employees on security awareness. Thus, with the help of security awareness training, organizations can meet the requirements of legal standards.

3. Increased Productivity 

This is because security awareness training helps employees know how to work with technology efficiently and without causing harm to the organization’s systems.

4. Enhanced Cybersecurity Culture 

Security awareness training plays a role in preparing the employees of an organization to be conscious of security threats and potential threats to the organization’s information.

This, in turn, would help to minimize the occurrence of cyber-attacks and data breaches in an organization.

Choosing the Right Security Awareness Training Provider

5 steps for choosing security awareness training

Are you confused about choosing the right Security Awareness Training Provider Don’t worry follow the below guidelines to choose the right Security Awareness Training Provider

1. Expertise 

Does the provider have expertise in cybersecurity and security awareness training?

2. Training Programs

Does the provider offer a range of training programs that cater to different learning styles and needs?

3. Customer Reviews

What do customers say about the provider’s training programs and services?

4. Cost 

Is the provider’s training program affordable and cost-effective?

5. Customization

Can the provider customize their training program to meet the organization’s specific needs and requirements?


Here is the summary for “List of Top Best 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada“:

  1. CyberSapiens
  2. Cyber Security Canada
  3. ESET Canada
  4. CyberSmart Canada
  5. KnowBe4 Canada
  6. Terranova Security
  7. SecurED. ca
  8. CybeReady
  9. InfoSec Institute
  10. Cybersecurity Awareness Training (CAT)


Security awareness training is a critical element of any organization’s cybersecurity plan. Canada has several security awareness training providers that provide extensive training to organizations to prevent them from being vulnerable to cyber threats.

This article aims to help organizations identify the right security awareness training provider to train employees on cybersecurity and, therefore, lower the chances of a cyber attack and enhance the organization’s cybersecurity.

FAQs: Top 10 Best Security Awareness Training Providers in Canada

1. What is Security Awareness Training?

Ans: Security Awareness Training is a program designed to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices, enabling them to identify and prevent cyber threats, such as phishing scams, ransomware, and social engineering attacks.

2. Why is Security Awareness Training important?

Ans: Security Awareness Training is important because it helps to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches by educating employees on how to identify and prevent cyber threats. Cyber attacks can result in significant financial losses, damage to an organization’s reputation, and even legal liability.

3. Who needs Security Awareness Training?

Ans: All employees in an organization need Security Awareness Training, as anyone can be targeted by cybercriminals. This includes executives, managers, IT staff, and regular employees.

4. What topics are covered in a Security Awareness Training program?

Ans: A Security Awareness Training program typically covers topics such as password security, email security, data protection, phishing scams, ransomware, social engineering, and online safety.

5. How often should employees receive Security Awareness Training?

Ans: Employees should receive Security Awareness Training regularly, ideally once a year, to stay up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and best practices.

6. Can Security Awareness Training be done online?

Yes, Security Awareness Training can be done online, which makes it convenient and cost-effective. Online training programs can be self-paced, interactive, and accessible from anywhere.

7. How long does a Security Awareness Training program typically take?

Ans: The length of a Security Awareness Training program can vary, but typically it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity of the topics covered.

8. Can we customize our Security Awareness Training program?

Ans: Yes, many Security Awareness Training providers offer customization options, allowing organizations to tailor their training programs to their specific needs and requirements.

9. How do we measure the effectiveness of a Security Awareness Training program?

Ans: The effectiveness of a Security Awareness Training program can be measured through various methods, including quizzes, tests, surveys, and metrics on employee behaviour and incident reporting.

10. Is Security Awareness Training a one-time event or an ongoing process?

Ans: Security Awareness Training is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and reinforcement to ensure employees stay informed and vigilant about cyber threats. It’s not a one-time event, but rather a continuous effort to maintain a culture of cybersecurity within an organization.

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