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navigating the recent crowdstrike falcon sensor outage

Navigating the Recent Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor Outage: Key Takeaways and Actions for Organizations

On July 19, 2024, CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity firm, experienced a significant outage due to a content configuration update for its Falcon sensor.

This incident affected numerous organizations relying on CrowdStrike’s advanced threat detection and response capabilities.

The outage, which led to system crashes and disruptions, has raised important questions about the robustness of cybersecurity solutions and the preparedness of organizations to handle such events.

As a trusted cybersecurity partner, CyberSapiens is committed to helping organizations navigate such challenges.

Here comes our main topic let’s see “Navigating the Recent Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor Outage: Key Takeaways and Actions for Organizations“.

The Incident

On July 19, 2024, at 04:09 UTC, a sensor configuration update was released by Crowdstrike to enhance protection against new malicious behaviours, particularly targeting named pipes used in cyberattacks.

Unfortunately, this update introduced a logic error, causing system crashes (blue screen of death) on affected systems.

The update was rolled back at 05:27 UTC, but not before impacting around 8.5 million systems globally​.

What happened during the outage?

During the outage, customers reported that their Falcon Sensor, which is responsible for detecting and preventing threats on endpoints and cloud workloads, was not functioning correctly.

The issue was attributed to a problem with the sensor’s communication with Crowdstrike’s cloud infrastructure. As a result, customers were unable to receive real-time threat intelligence, and their security teams were not alerted to potential security incidents

Top 4 Key Takeaways from the Outage

key takeaways from the crowdstrike falcon sensor outage

1. Third-party dependencies can be a single point of failure

The Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor outage highlights the risks associated with relying on third-party dependencies.

Organizations must recognize that even the most robust security solutions can be vulnerable to outages, and it is essential to have contingency plans in place to mitigate such risks.

2. Diversification is key

The outage emphasizes the importance of diversifying security controls and not relying on a single solution or vendor.

By implementing multiple security controls, organizations can reduce their reliance on individual solutions and minimize the impact of outages.

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3. Monitoring and incident response are critical

The outage underscores the importance of continuous monitoring and incident response.

Organizations must have robust monitoring capabilities in place to quickly detect and respond to security incidents, even in the event of a third-party outage.

4. Communication is essential

Crowdstrike’s communication during the outage was widely praised, with the company providing regular updates and transparency on the root cause of the issue.

Organizations must prioritize communication during outages, keeping customers and stakeholders informed to maintain trust and minimize reputational damage.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Resilience: What Organizations Can Do?

strengthening your company and protect from cyber threats

1. Network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)

Regular Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is crucial for organizations to proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities.

By simulating real-world cyberattacks, CyberSapiens help businesses uncover and remediate weaknesses in their systems, ensuring their security measures are robust, up-to-date, and effective in protecting against evolving threats.”

2. Phishing Simulations and Awareness Training

Phishing simulation exercises are a vital tool for evaluating and boosting employee awareness of phishing threats.

By partnering with CyberSapiens, organizations can significantly reduce their vulnerability to these attacks. Phishing attacks are often the initial entry point for more serious and damaging security breaches, making it crucial to implement robust defences.

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3. Comprehensive Security Audits

Regular security audits, including policy reviews and compliance checks, are essential for maintaining a strong security posture. CyberSapiens provides comprehensive audits that ensure your security measures meet industry standards and best practices.

These audits cover critical areas like data protection, access controls, and incident response planning, giving you peace of mind knowing your systems are protected.

Impact on Organizations Worldwide

impact of the crowdstrike falcon sensor outage on organizations

The Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor outage had significant implications for organizations that rely on the solution for endpoint security. Some of the key impacts include:

1. Disrupted security monitoring

The outage left organizations without real-time visibility into potential security threats on their endpoints, increasing the risk of undetected attacks.

2. Inability to respond to incidents

With the Falcon Sensor offline, organizations were unable to respond effectively to security incidents, potentially leading to prolonged dwell times and increased damage.

3. Compliance concerns

Organizations subject to regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA or PCI-DSS, may have been at risk of non-compliance due to the outage

Top 3 Remediation Strategies for Organizations

effective remediation strategies for strengthening security

1. Incident Response Planning and Drills

A well-defined incident response plan is crucial for minimizing damage during a security incident. Regular drills and updates to the plan ensure that the response team is prepared to act quickly and effectively, mitigating the impact of any incident.

2. Continuous Monitoring and Threat Intelligence

Implementing continuous monitoring systems helps detect anomalies and potential threats in real-time. Coupled with threat intelligence, this approach allows organizations to stay informed about emerging threats and adjust their defences accordingly.

3. Patch Management and Update Verification

A robust patch management strategy, including controlled testing of updates before deployment, can prevent issues like the Crowdstrike incident. Ensuring that updates are implemented securely without introducing new vulnerabilities is key to maintaining system integrity.


The recent Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor outage highlights the importance of having a robust cybersecurity posture and backup plans in place.

Organizations can minimise the impact of similar outages in the future by understanding the key takeaways from this incident and taking proactive actions.

At CyberSapiens, we are committed to helping organisations enhance their cybersecurity resilience through our range of services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your business from evolving cyber threats.

FAQs: Navigating the Recent Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor Outage: Key Takeaways and Actions for Organizations

1. What happened during the Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor outage?

Ans: During the outage, the Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor, a critical component of the Falcon platform, experienced a disruption in its communication with Crowdstrike’s cloud infrastructure. This resulted in customers needing help to receive real-time threat intelligence and security teams not being alerted to potential security incidents.

2. How long did the outage last?

Ans: The outage lasted for several hours, with the exact duration varying depending on the customer’s location and time zone.

3. What caused the outage?

Ans: The outage was attributed to a problem with the Falcon Sensor’s communication with Crowdstrike’s cloud infrastructure. The root cause of the issue is still under investigation.

4. Were all Crowdstrike customers affected by the outage?

Ans: Not all Crowdstrike customers were affected by the outage. However, customers who relied on the Falcon Sensor for real-time threat intelligence and security alerts were impacted.

5. What should I do if I’m a Crowdstrike customer and was affected by the outage?

Ans: If you’re a Crowdstrike customer and were affected by the outage, you should review your security controls and incident response plans to ensure you’re prepared to respond to security incidents. You should also consider implementing multiple detection and response tools to reduce your reliance on the Falcon Sensor.

6. How can I prevent similar outages from impacting my organization in the future?

Ans: To prevent similar outages from impacting your organization in the future, you should consider implementing multiple security controls, developing a contingency plan, and regularly reviewing and updating your incident response plans.

7. How can organizations contact CyberSapiens for cybersecurity support?

Ans: Organizations can contact CyberSapiens through our website or by reaching out to our sales team directly. We offer flexible engagement models to meet the unique needs of each organization.

8. Is CyberSapiens experienced in dealing with similar outages and cybersecurity incidents?

Ans: Yes, CyberSapiens has extensive experience in dealing with cybersecurity incidents, including security solution outages. Our team of experienced cybersecurity professionals can help organizations respond to and mitigate the impact of similar incidents.

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