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top 10 api vapt service providers in the united kingdom

Top 10 API VAPT Service Providers in the United Kingdom

The digital environment is rapidly changing and APIs are the essential intermediary that enables the interaction of different systems and applications. 

Equally, these APIs are robustly charged with security risks that call for enhanced security testing. Introducing API Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT), a narrower branch of cybersecurity science that focuses on API protection. This API VAPT is also known as API Security testing.

The United Kingdom stands out as a world powerhouse in cybersecurity and has a well-developed ecosystem of service players keen on API VAPT. They use modern technology and proficient personnel to analyze and eliminate risks on your API structure.

 In this article, we will explore the top 10 API VAPT service providers in the United Kingdom.

List of Top 10 API VAPT Service Providers in the United Kingdom

list of top 10 api vapt service providers in the united kingdom

Here is the list of the Top 10 API VAPT Service Providers in the UK:

1. CyberSapiens: Best API Security Testing Service Provider in UK

CyberSapiens is one of the best API VAPT service providers in the United Kingdom. Our API VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) services are designed to safeguard your Application against potential threats and vulnerabilities caused by affected API’s

We provide a customized API VAPT Audit that helps identify all the hidden vulnerabilities that might be missed by others.

Why CyberSapiens is the Best Choice for API VAPT?

CyberSapiens is the best choice for API VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) due to its comprehensive approach, expertise, and commitment to delivering high-quality services.

1. Expertise and Experience: CyberSapiens has a team of experienced security professionals with in-depth knowledge of API security testing, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing. Our team has worked with various industries and has a proven track record of identifying and remediating security vulnerabilities in APIs.

2. Comprehensive Approach: CyberSapiens takes a comprehensive approach to API VAPT, which includes a thorough analysis of the API’s architecture, design, and implementation. Our team uses a combination of manual and automated testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the API.

3. Customized Testing Methodology: CyberSapiens develops a customized testing methodology for each client, taking into account the specific requirements and constraints of the API. Our team works closely with clients to understand their security objectives and ensures that the testing methodology aligns with their goals.

How do we conduct API VAPT?

Sr noTopicUses
1Scope DefinitionDefine the scope of the assessment, including which APIs will be tested,the testing environment, and specific objectives.
2ReconnaissanceGather information about the APIs, such as endpoints, protocols, and communication methods.
3Threat ModelingIdentify potential threats and vulnerabilities that could affect the APIs and their users.
4Vulnerability ScanningUtilize automated tools to scan for common vulnerabilities, including injection, authentication, and authorization issues.
5Manual TestingPerform manual testing to identify vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss, such as logical flaws and business logic issues.
6Authentication TestingEvaluate the strength of authentication mechanisms in place to prevent unauthorized access.
7Authorization TestingAssess the effectiveness of authorization controls, ensuring that users can access only the appropriate data and functions.
8Data Encryption TestingVerify that data transmitted and stored by the APIs is properly encrypted to protect sensitive information.
9Session Management TestingExamine how sessions are managed to prevent session hijacking and fixation.
10Input Validation TestingCheck for input validation flaws that could lead to injection attacks, such as SQL injection or Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
11Error Handling TestingEvaluate how the APIs handle errors and exceptions to prevent data leakage or system exposure.
12ReportingCompile and present the assessment findings, including identified vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommendations for remediation.

2. NCC Group

NCC Group is one of the prominent API VAPT service providers for which the UK serves as its regional market.

It has a team of skilled hackers who enjoy the prospect of probing for weaknesses in API interface designs. API VAPT services are provided by NCC Group and encompass vulnerability, penetration, and security testing.

They also provide other services, not limited to, security consultancy and forensics.

protect your apis with cybersapiens the best api security testing consultant

3. IBM Security

IBM Security offers API VAPT services. That is why their team of specialists, with the help of adequate tools and methods, defines threats and suggests measures for their elimination.

VAPT stands for vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and Security Testing provided by the API services of IBM Security.

They also provide many other professional services such as risk management advising and handling of security incidences.


UK KPMG is one of the API VAPT service providers in the United Kingdom.

They employ a team of programmers who are well-trained in the detection of weaknesses in API and how best to take advantage of them. Some of the API VAPT services offered by KPMG UK are vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and security testing.

They also provide other related services such as; security advisory, and response to incidences.

5. PwC UK

As a reputable firm of API VAPT services, PwC UK has been offering these services in the United Kingdom. Its team of professionals employs sophisticated hardware and software to scan networks for weaknesses and suggest solutions.

The API VAPT services offered by PwC UK comprise vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and security testing. They also still provide many other services for example security consultancy and response services.

6. Deloitte UK

Deloitte UK offers API VAPT services to clients based in the UK. They separately have a team that specifically focuses on API vulnerabilities and they have lots of experience in that.

The API VAPT services by Deloitte UK are as follows; vulnerability assessment level, penetration testing level, and security testing level. They also provide many other services, such as security consultancy and response.

7. Cyberark

Cyberark is perhaps one of the prominent providers of API VAPT services in the United Kingdom.

Their team of experts is endowed with different tools and methods that will help them assess risk and probably offer ways on how such risks can be mitigated.

API security testing vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are offered by Cyberark’s security professionals. They also provide other services in the security spectrum namely security consulting and response to security incidents.

8. Trustwave

API VAPT services are offered in the UK by Trustwave. Their team of experts is competent in pointing out vulnerabilities of APIs and undue exploitation of the same.

API VAPT services offered by Trustwave involve the checking of vulnerabilities and testing of the security system.

They also provide many other services such as security consulting and response to security incidents.

9. SecureData

VAPT, particularly API VAPT services, is a rapidly growing market in the UK where SecureData has been already established as an experienced player.

Their team of professionals employs sophisticated technologies to evaluate risks and offer the best way to deal with them to eliminate or minimize their impact.

The API VAPT services that SecureData provides include vulnerability, penetration, and security testing. They also provide many other services such as security advisory and response.

10. Portcullis

API VAPT services are widely sought in the UK and Portcullis is among the key providers. They have a dedicated team of specialists who know very well how to target and take advantage of any API’s flaws.

VAPT, security testing, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing are the API VAPT services provided by Portcullis.

They also engage themselves in other security-related services such as security consulting, and incident handling among others.

Benefits of API VAPT Services

benefits of api vapt services

API VAPT services offer numerous benefits to organizations, including:

1. Improved Security

API VAPT services assist organizations in detecting and mitigating threats to data integrity and protection from threats such as hacking and intrusions.

2. Compliance

API VAPT services enable compliance with various legislations including GDPR and the PCI-DSS.

3. Cost Savings

API VAPT services can assist an organization in avoiding such unpleasant scenarios as high monetary losses and an injured reputation.

4. Enhanced Customer Trust

API VAPT services also show an organization’s willingness to provide secure service delivery that helps improve customer loyalty.

5. Competitive Advantage

API VAPT services can act as a competitive weapon, as exposures to threats hinder organizations and the latter are more appealing for consumers and business associates if they ensure protection.


Here’s a breakdown of the “Top 10 Best API VAPT Service Providers in the UK”:

  1.  CyberSapiens
  2. NCC Group
  3. IBM Security
  4. KPMG UK
  5. PwC UK
  6. Deloitte UK
  7. Cyberark
  8. Trustwave
  9. SecureData
  10. Portcullis


For organizations that depend on APIs as performers of data sharing and integration, API VAPT services are critical.

In the UK, therefore, many service providers offer API VAPT services, and each of them has strengths and advantages.

Thus, by choosing the most reliable API VAPT service provider, organizations could manage to upgrade the security level, meet the necessary regulation standards and increase the level of customers’ trust.

The 10 API VAPT service providers highlighted in this article most operate with a long-standing track record of delivering results and can assist an organisation in fulfilling its safety objectives.


1. What is API VAPT?

Ans: API VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) is a security testing service that identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses in APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.

2. Why do I need API VAPT services?

Ans: You need API VAPT services to ensure that your APIs are secure and compliant with regulatory requirements. API VAPT services help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your APIs, which can be exploited by hackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

3. What are the benefits of API VAPT services?

Ans: The benefits of API VAPT services include improved security, compliance with regulatory requirements, cost savings, enhanced customer trust, and a competitive advantage.

4. How often should I perform API VAPT testing?

Ans: It is recommended to perform API VAPT testing at least once a year, or whenever there are significant changes to your APIs. Regular testing helps ensure that your APIs remain secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

5. What is the difference between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing?

Ans: Vulnerability assessment is a process that identifies potential vulnerabilities in your APIs, while penetration testing simulates a real-world attack on your APIs to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

6. How long does API VAPT testing take?

Ans: The duration of API VAPT testing varies depending on the complexity of your APIs and the scope of the testing. Typically, API VAPT testing can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

7. What is the cost of API VAPT services?

Ans: The cost of API VAPT services varies depending on the provider, the scope of the testing, and the complexity of your APIs. 

8. How do I choose an API VAPT service provider?

Ans: When choosing an API VAPT service provider, consider factors such as expertise, certifications, customer reviews, and pricing. Look for providers with extensive experience in API VAPT services and relevant certifications, such as CREST and CHECK.

9. What is the difference between API VAPT and traditional penetration testing?

Ans: API VAPT is a specialized form of penetration testing that focuses on APIs, while traditional penetration testing focuses on network and system vulnerabilities. API VAPT requires specialized skills and expertise to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in APIs.

10. Can I perform API VAPT testing in-house?

Ans: While it is possible to perform API VAPT testing in-house, it is not recommended. API VAPT testing requires specialized skills and expertise, and in-house testing may not be as effective as testing performed by a third-party provider. Additionally, in-house testing may not provide the same level of objectivity and independence as third-party testing.

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