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top 10 best soc service providers in australia

Top 10 Best SOC Service Providers in Australia

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. As technology advances, so do the threats, making it essential for organizations to have robust security measures in place to protect their networks, systems, and data.

One effective way to achieve this is by partnering with a Security Operations Center (SOC) service provider.

In this article, we will explore the Top 10 Best SOC service providers in Australia, highlighting their expertise, services, and benefits.

What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a centralized unit that monitors, detects, and responds to cybersecurity threats in real time.

A SOC is staffed by a team of skilled security professionals who use advanced technologies and tools to identify potential security threats, analyze them, and take corrective action to prevent or mitigate damage.

Why do businesses need SOC services?

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, businesses face numerous cybersecurity challenges, including:

1. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats

Cyber attackers are better placed in their work since they have advanced practice in their tasks implying that they use better methods that cannot be easily detected.

2. Limited in-house security expertise

Cybersecurity in many businesses is a challenge because most of them do not have adequate skills let alone the capital for proper security to be put in place.

3. Compliance and regulatory requirements

Companies have to adhere to numerous laws and guidelines including the ACSC’s Essential Eight which are the critical baseline controls.

4. 24/7 monitoring and response

This is because threats in the cyber world can happen anytime hence the need to be ever alert and prepared.

List of Top 10 Best SOC Service Providers in Australia

list of top 10 best soc service providers in australia

Here is the list of the ‘Top 10 Best SOC Service Providers in Australia’:

1. CyberSapiens: Best Security Operations Centre Company in Australia

CyberSapiens is a managed security service provider that offers Security Operations Center (SOC) services to organizations across Australia With a focus on AI-powered security solutions, Cybersapiens aims to help organizations stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Why Choose CyberSapiens as Your Security Operations Center(SOC)?

1. 24/7 Monitoring and Support: Our SOC operates around the clock, ensuring continuous surveillance and prompt response to security incidents.

2. Expertise and Innovation: Our team of cybersecurity experts stays abreast of the latest trends and technologies, providing innovative solutions to emerging threats.

3. Regulatory Compliance: We help your organization meet compliance requirements such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and more, with tailored reporting and auditing services.

4. Cost-Effective Services: We offer flexible, scalable solutions that provide enterprise-level security without breaking the bank.

5. Tailored Solutions: We customize our security solutions to meet the unique needs of your organization, ensuring maximum protection.

6. Comprehensive Reporting: Our detailed dashboards and reporting features give you complete visibility into your security posture and incident response activities.

7. Proactive Detection and Response: Our SOC leverages advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools and a team of skilled analysts to detect and respond to threats swiftly and effectively.

Some of the top tools that CyberSapiens used to conduct SOC:

Sl. NoTool NameUses
1Sumo LogicSumo Logic is a cloud-native machine data analytics platform. It offers continuous intelligence for modern applications, providing real-time insights, operational visibility, and security analytics. Features include log management, infrastructure monitoring, and cloud security monitoring.
2SplunkSumo Logic is a cloud-native machine data analytics platform.It offers continuous intelligence for modern applications, providing real-time insights, operational visibility, and security analytics. Features include log management, infrastructure monitoring, and cloud security monitoring.
3SolarWindsSplunk is a powerful platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data.It offers real-time visibility and advanced analytics through an intuitive interface. Key features include log management, security information and event management (SIEM), and IT operations management.
4Secure OnixLogRhythm is a comprehensive SIEM platform that combines security analytics, log management, and network monitoring. It provides advanced threat detection, incident response, and compliance management. Features include machine learning analytics, forensic investigations, and user and entity behaviour analytics (UEBA).
5LogRhythmSolarWinds provides a suite of IT management and monitoring tools.Its key features include network performance monitoring, server and application monitoring, log management, and security information management.SolarWinds is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive monitoring capabilities.
6DatadogSecure Onix is a cybersecurity platform specializing in SIEM and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA). It employs machine learning to identify complex threats and offers actionable insights. Key features include big data security analytics.

2. Optus Cyber Security Operations Centre

It offers the complete solution of threat detection and identification services of SOC of Optus along with incident response and security analytical services that help the business concerns to safeguard from cyber threats.

best soc consultant in australia is cybersapiens

3. Dimension Data’s Security Operations Centre

SOC provided by Dimension Data is a program of services in matters of threats, response to incidents and advisory in managing corporate properties in the digital platform.

4. IBM Security’s Security Operations Centre

Applying the solutions of IBM Security SOC offers defence services to businesses and their data against threats and attacks also offers businesses threat intelligence, response to security events, and security analysis.

5. DXC Technology’s Security Operations Centre

The SOC of DXC Technology provides businesses with a round-the-clock service that involves monitoring and investigating threats and handling any incident that is a threat to the businesses’ online security.

6. Deloitte’s Cyber Security Operations Centre

SOC of Deloitte offers services like threat, response to cyber threats, and security consulting.

7. KPMG’s Cyber Security Operations Centre

KPMG SOC is a next-generation threat identification incident management and security intelligence that protects the organization’s digital resources.

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8. PwC’s Cyber Security Operations Centre

These are some of the major services that are offered with PwC’s SOC, the protection of businesses from current and future cyber threats through threat identification, response to Security incidents, and Security consultancy.

9. Accenture’s Security Operations Centre

More precisely, Accenture’s SOC provides threat intel, vulnerability assessment, event log review, and incident response 24/7 to assist businesses.

10. Macquarie Telecom’s Security Operations Centre

Macquarie Telecom’s SOC is an end-to-end threat identification and prevention with security intelligence for organizations on the threat.

Benefits of Partnering with a SOC Service Provider

5 key benefits of partnering with a soc service provider

Partnering with a SOC service provider can bring numerous benefits to businesses, including:

1. Enhanced security posture

The SOC service providers have adequate knowledge of different cyber threats and the possible countermeasures and therefore are capable of implementing them in real-time.

2. Cost savings 

In the end, the establishment of an organization’s SOC and maintenance costs are relatively high compared to outsourcing SOC services.

3. Access to advanced technologies

Security organizations have the current technological gadgets and applications for security which may be costly to a business to acquire as well as maintenance.

4. Improved compliance

Another advantage of the SOC service providers is that they can also meet the regulatory and compliance factors of a business.

5. Increased efficiency

SOC service providers can compel an organisation to get the best protection on their systems and at the same time minimise the amount of effort that an organisation uses in protection.


Here is the summary for “Top 10 Best SOC Service Providers in Australia“:

  1. CyberSapiens
  2. Optus Cyber Security Operations Centre
  3. Dimension Data’s Security Operations Centre
  4. IBM Security’s Security Operations Centre
  5. DXC Technology’s Security Operations Centre
  6. Deloitte’s Cyber Security Operations Centre
  7. KPMG’s Cyber Security Operations Centre
  8. PwC’s Cyber Security Operations Centre
  9. Accenture’s Security Operations Centre
  10. Macquarie Telecom’s Security Operations Centre


In the modern world characterized by new and developing threats, organizations require proper protection for their networks, systems, and information.

Organizations can leverage this by engaging the services of a SOC service provider which will help organizations to access advanced security skill sets, technologies and tools. 

This article reflects the Australian SOC service providers and the above top 10 best companies that provide a set of services to ensure the security and compliance of the business.

Outsourcing SOC services also provides benefits of increasing the security of organizations, cost reduction and efficiency improvement to the businesses.

FAQs: Top 10 Best SOC Service Providers in Australia

1. What services do SOC providers typically offer?

Ans: SOC providers offer a range of services including threat detection and response, security monitoring, incident response, vulnerability management, and compliance support.

2. How do I choose the right SOC service provider for my business?

Ans: Consider factors like industry expertise, service offerings, threat intelligence capabilities, technology stack, compliance adherence, and customer support when selecting a SOC provider.

3. What is the typical cost of engaging a SOC service provider?

Ans: The cost varies depending on the size of your organization, the scope of services required, and the provider’s pricing model. Many providers offer flexible pricing options.

4. What are the key benefits of outsourcing SOC services?

Ans: Outsourcing SOC services can save costs, provide access to specialized expertise, improve response times, and reduce the burden on internal IT teams.

5. How can a SOC help my organization achieve compliance with industry regulations?

Ans: SOC providers can help organizations meet compliance requirements by implementing and monitoring security controls, conducting regular assessments, and providing documentation.

6. What are the common cybersecurity certifications and accreditations to look for in a SOC Provider?

Ans: Look for certifications like ISO 27001, SOC 2, and industry-specific accreditations to ensure the provider meets high-security standards.

7. How quickly can a SOC provider respond to a security incident?

Ans: Response times vary depending on the provider’s SLAs and the severity of the incident. Leading providers offer rapid response capabilities.

8. What is the role of a SOC in disaster recovery and business continuity?

Ans: A SOC plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating threats that could disrupt business operations, helping to ensure business continuity.

9. How can a SOC help my organization improve its overall cybersecurity posture?

Ans: A SOC provides continuous monitoring, threat detection, and incident response, helping to strengthen your organization’s security defences and reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

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