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top 10 network vapt service providers in the united states

Top 10 Network VAPT Service Providers in the United States

As the world becomes increasingly dependent on digital technologies, the risk of cyber threats and network vulnerabilities has risen exponentially. 

In this digital era, protecting sensitive data and preventing malicious attacks has become a top priority for businesses across various industries. 

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services have emerged as an essential tool to help organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks. 

In this article, we will explore the top 10 Network VAPT service providers in the United States, offering comprehensive security solutions to protect against cyber threats.

List of Top 10 Network VAPT Service Providers in the United States

list of top 10 network vapt service providers in the united states

Here is the list of the Top 10 Network VAPT Companies in the United States:

1. CyberSapiens: Best Network VAPT Service Provider in USA

CyberSapiens is a leading cybersecurity firm in the United States, offering comprehensive vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) services.

CyberSapiens Network VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) services are designed to safeguard your Application against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

CyberSapiens provides a customized Network VAPT Audit that helps identify all the hidden vulnerabilities that others might miss. 

Why do you need to choose CyberSapiens for Network VAPT Service?

Here are the reasons to choose CyberSapiens for Network VAPT service:

1. Expertise and Experience: CyberSapiens has a team of highly skilled and experienced security professionals with a deep understanding of network security and VAPT services.

2. Comprehensive VAPT Services: CyberSapiens offers a comprehensive suite of VAPT services, including vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, security auditing, and incident response.

3. Customized Solutions: CyberSapiens provides tailored VAPT solutions to meet the unique security needs and goals of each organization.

4. Advanced Technology: CyberSapiens uses the latest technologies and tools to ensure the most effective and efficient VAPT services.

5. Industry Recognitions: CyberSapiens is recognized by leading industry bodies for its expertise and commitment to network security and VAPT services.

6. Cost-Effective: CyberSapiens offers competitive pricing for its VAPT services, making it an affordable solution for organizations of all sizes.

How do CyberSapiens conduct Network VAPT?

Sr noStepsProcess
1Scope DefinitionClearly define the scope of the assessment,specifying the systems, networks, and applications to be tested.
2ReconnaissanceGather information about the target network, including IP addresses, domain names, and other relevant details.
3Vulnerability ScanningUtilize automated tools to scan the network for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weak points.
4Threat ModelingIdentify potential threats and prioritize them based on their impact on the business and likelihood of exploitation.
5Risk AnalysisAssess the level of risk associated with identified vulnerabilities, considering their potential impact and the likelihood of exploitation.
6Penetration TestingConduct controlled simulated attacks to exploit vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security controls.
7ExploitationActively exploit vulnerabilities to understand the extent of potential damage and the risk of unauthorized access.
8Privilege EscalationEvaluate the network’s resistance to privilege escalation attempts by simulating an attacker’s progression.
9Post-Exploitation AnalysisExamine the consequences of successful attacks, including the ability to maintain access and gather sensitive information.
10DocumentationThoroughly document findings, including vulnerabilities discovered, their severity, and recommended remediation steps.
11ReportingPrepare a detailed report for stakeholders, summarizing the assessment, identified risks, and recommendations for improvement.
12Remediation SupportProvide guidance and support for implementing remediation measures to address identified vulnerabilities.

2. Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab is a cyber security company that provides superior VAPT solutions to prevent threats to firms’ networks and systems.

Their team of security experts employs many technologies to assess risks, stage attacks, and give advice on the impacts and ways to avoid potential security issues.

the best network vapt service provider in usa is cybersapiens

3. Symantec

Symantec offers a unique VAPT service for protecting networks and systems.

Their team of security professionals scan for vulnerabilities and actively engage in penetration testing to essentially hack their system and help to advise on the ways to prevent the risks that they foresee.

4. Rapid7

VAPT belongs to one of the many security solutions that are offered by the cybersecurity company Rapid7.

Their team of security experts is trained and uses technological tools to scan for any weak points, mimic possible intrusions and offer solutions on matters of security potential threats.

It is important to note here that VAPT services offered by Rapid7 are meant to put clients on the right side of the security of their networks and systems against hackers.

5. CynergisTek

CynergisTek is one of the foremost cybersecurity companies, and it offers VAPT services.

The security team is comprised of experts whose key role is to scan a site or application, and ‘hack’ into it to determine necessary security precautions against possible threats.

VAPT services provided by CynergisTek assist the healthcare organization in achieving the right level of security of data that is vital to it.

6. Trustwave

Trustwave is a cybersecurity specialist that offers a range of services, including VAPT.

Their team of seasoned security analysts employs the use of technologies to discover the loopholes, perform penetration tests and come up with a list of solutions to possible security threats.

VAPT from Trustwave includes the best solutions for a business entity’s network and systems from cyber criminals.

7. AlertLogic

AlertLogic is one of the major players that offer cybersecurity solutions and VAPT services.

Their team of security experts apply hi-tech tools to detect risks, conduct practice attacks and suggest measures to eliminate threats that may endanger the security of the business. 

8. Veracode

Veracode is a global cybersecurity company that offers various services including VAPT services.

Their team of security professionals apply the latest tools and techniques to discover security issues and perform an attack to show how those issues could be exploited and, therefore, offer solutions to fix such issues.

VAPT services provided by Veracode make sure a business’s applications and software are guarded against such cyber threats.

9. FireEye

FireEye is one of the most known cybersecurity companies, which offer, among the other, VAPT services.

They employ trained security practitioners, who utilizing various tools, determine and assess possible security threats, perform threat modeling and offer advice on how to address them.

VAPT services offered by FireEye are an umbrella that aims at safeguarding business networks and systems against cyber threats.

10. Optiv Security

Optiv Security is one of the most reputed company partners that offers cybersecurity and VAPT services.

Their team of security professionals employs a technique that involves scanning the presumed client’s site to discover existing flaws, emulating an attacker’s approach to determine the loopholes that may lead to a security breach, and proactively offering possibilities for mitigating security threats.

Optiv Security’s VAPT solutions are developed to assist companies in keeping their networks and systems free from threats.

Top 5 Benefits of Using VAPT Services

top 5 benefits of using vapt services

Using VAPT services can provide numerous benefits to organizations, including:

1. Improved Security Posture

VAPT services assist clients in addressing any security risks that might be present in their networks and systems for optimal protection.

2. Compliance 

VAPT services are used in an organization since they assist it in meeting the market requirements and standards such as security compliance and data protection.

3. Data Protection

Outsourced VAPT services assist organizations prevent such cyber risks to their systems to support the privacy and security of their client’s information.

4. Cost Savings

VAPT services can assist organizations in avoiding the direct costs of security incidents such as loss of reputation, money, and fines.

5. Improved Incident Response 

VAPT services assist organizations in creating incident response frameworks so that they are in a position to respond to security threats that may occur.


Here is the summary of the ” Top 10 Network VAPT Service Providers in the United States” blog post:

  1. 1. CyberSapiens
  2. 2. Kaspersky Lab
  3. 3. Symantec
  4. 4. Rapid7
  5. 5. CynergisTek
  6. 6. Trustwave
  7. 7. AlertLogic
  8. 8. Veracode
  9. 9. FireEye
  10. 10. Optiv Security


The security of networks and systems in the present world has become a crucial issue with the augmentation of cyber threats in the present technological world. VAPT services are indispensable in today’s world, as they help reveal different threats and assess the potential vulnerabilities of the networks. 

This article analyzes the ten major Network VAPT service providers in the United States as a list of providers for organizations to turn to for network and system security solutions. 

Thus, VAPT services help organizations enhance the security level, meet regulatory standards, and avoid the loss of confidential data, as well as decrease expenditures on security threats.

FAQs: Top 10 Network VAPT Service Providers in the United States

1. What is Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)?

Ans: Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a security testing technique used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a network, system, or application. VAPT helps organizations evaluate their security posture, identify potential weaknesses, and remediate them before they can be exploited by attackers.

2. Why do I need VAPT services for my organization?

Ans: You need VAPT services to identify and mitigate potential security risks, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, protect sensitive data, and reduce the costs associated with security breaches. VAPT services help organizations protect their networks and systems from cyber threats.

3. What are the benefits of using VAPT services?

Ans: The benefits of using VAPT services include improved security posture, compliance with regulatory requirements, data protection, cost savings, and improved incident response. VAPT services help organizations identify and remediate potential security risks, ensuring that their networks and systems are secure and protected.

4. How do I select a VAPT service provider?

Ans: To select a VAPT service provider, consider the following factors: expertise, reputation, certification, experience, and services offered. Look for a provider that has a team of experienced security professionals, uses advanced technologies, and offers customized services to meet your organization’s specific needs.

5. What is the difference between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing?

Ans: Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying potential vulnerabilities in a network, system, or application, while penetration testing is the process of simulating an attack on a network, system, or application to test its defences. VAPT services combine both vulnerability assessment and penetration testing to provide a comprehensive security assessment.

6. Are VAPT services only for large organizations?

Ans: No, VAPT services are not only for large organizations. Small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit from VAPT services to protect their networks and systems from cyber threats. Many VAPT service providers offer customized services to meet the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

7. How often should I conduct VAPT testing?

Ans: The frequency of VAPT testing depends on the organization’s specific needs and industry requirements. Some organizations may require quarterly or annual VAPT testing, while others may require more frequent testing. It’s essential to work with a VAPT service provider to determine the best testing schedule for your organization.

8. What is the cost of VAPT services?

Ans: The cost of VAPT services varies depending on the provider, services offered, and the complexity of the testing. Some VAPT service providers offer fixed pricing, while others offer customized pricing based on the organization’s specific needs.

9. Can I conduct VAPT testing in-house?

Ans: Yes, you can conduct VAPT testing in-house if you have a team of experienced security professionals and the necessary resources. However, working with a VAPT service provider can provide additional benefits, such as access to advanced technologies, expertise, and customized services.

10. Are VAPT services confidential and secure?

Ans: Yes, VAPT services are confidential and secure. Reputable VAPT service providers follow strict confidentiality and security protocols to protect sensitive information and ensure that all testing is conducted in a secure and controlled environment.

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