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top 15 reasons why mobile application vapt is important for businesses in singapore

Top 15 Reasons Why Mobile Application VAPT is Important for Businesses in Singapore

In the current world that is characterized by the use of information technology, mobile applications have proven to be a useful tool in reaching customers, delivering services and improving the profits of a business. As a result of introducing smart mobile devices, mobile applications are currently an essential component of many business plans.

However, due to advancements in mobile applications, clients have become more vulnerable to attacks and hacking. This is where Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) plays a role.

In this article, we are going to discuss the list of Top 15 Reasons Why Mobile Application VAPT is Important for Businesses in Singapore

What is Mobile Application VAPT?

Before going into the main topic let’s understand what the Mobile Application VAPT is 

Mobile Application VAPT is a process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in mobile applications to test their security and defences. It is a simulated cyber-attack against a mobile application to test its defences and identify vulnerabilities.

List of Top 15 Reasons Why Mobile Application VAPT is Important for Businesses in Singapore

list of top 15 reasons why mobile application vapt is important for businesses in singapore

Here is the list of the Top 15 Reasons Why the Mobile Application VAPT is Important for Businesses in Singapore

1. Protection of Sensitive Data

People mostly use mobile application services that require such data as persons’ PII, financial records, and other business and personal data. Thus, in case a mobile application does not ensure information security, this data may become subject to leakage with a number of negative outcomes. This is made possible with the help of Mobile Application VAPT, which gives details of the various holes in the application that a hacker may easily infiltrate and get access to sensitive data.

2. Compliance with Regulations

Here in Singapore, several laws operating companies must follow, for instance, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the Cybersecurity Act. Mobile Application VAPT thus assists organizations in meeting these regulations by pointing out holes within the application and guaranteeing that the application is secured.

mobile application vapt

3. Prevention of Financial Losses

In case of hacking or leakage of data in a mobile application, the business may end up losing a lot of money.

Mobile Application VAPT is useful in pointing out the loopholes that hackers can leverage in acquiring private data or interrupting business processes, hence making firms lose money.

4. Protection of Brand Reputation

Data leaks are always costly, yet they are even more severe when they are associated with a distinct brand, as a security breach in a mobile application will harm a business’s reputation and, therefore, consumers’ trust.

Mobile Application VAPT assists in the linking of these holes in the system and helps you block the opportunities that hackers can develop thereby developing a secure application that will help shield the business from embarrassing moments that may harm their brand.

5. Identification of Vulnerabilities

Mobile Application VAPT assists in the process of discovering what weaknesses can be inflicted on the application by hackers. These are such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting- (XSS), and buffer overflow.

6. Prioritization of Vulnerabilities

Mobile Application VAPT enables one to categorize risks concerning their likelihood and consequences needed to be faced by the business. This makes it possible to prioritize the more critical threats hence minimizing the possibility of a break-in through the system.

7. Compliance with Industry Standards

Mobile Application VAPT can be used by businesses to meet industry benchmarks like the Mobile Security Testing Guide defined by OWASP and the PCI-DSS. This helps to ensure that it is quite safe to use as well as has passed all the necessary requirements of the market.

8. Protection of Customer Trust

We found that mobile applications deal with customers’ personal information frequently. Thus, a breach of security in the application can lower the confidence of the client in the business leading to loss of reputation. Mobile Application VAPT makes it easier to detect holes that can be exploited by hackers thus protecting customer information.

9. Prevention of Malware Attacks

Mobile Application VAPT, thus, reveals the possible weakness that a malicious app may take advantage of. This includes risks like insecure data storage and transport layer security risks.

10. Identification of Configuration Weaknesses

Mobile Application VAPT provides information about the configuration vulnerability in the developed application that the hacker uses maliciously. This consists of vulnerabilities like; default configuration that is not secure and poor access control.

list of top 15 reasons why mobile application vapt is important for businesses in the singapore and protect your systems with our vapt services from cybersapiens

11. Prioritization of Remediation Efforts

Mobile Application VAPT helps rank the security flaws based on the risk factor and its impact factor. This helps to minimize the probability of arriving at the worst-case scenario since the most sensitive of vulnerabilities are dealt with initially.

12. Improvement of Application Security

The Mobile Application VAPT enables the enhancement of the application’s security stance through authoritative information about the risks and their suggested solutions. This ensures that the application is encapsulated and thus not easily vulnerable to cyber attackers.

13. Reduction of Risk

Mobile Application VAPT allows to decrease the possibility of security breaches and makes recommendations on how to eliminate the possible problem. It also helps in safeguarding the application against cyber-attacks in the process of ensuring data protection.

14. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Mobile Application VAPT allows business organizations to meet the standard conducting rules for example the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Technology Risk Management Guidelines. This makes sure that the application is safe from the gnarly claws of the hackers and has met all the requirements of the law.

15. Cost Savings

Mobile Application VAPT can offer the business an opportunity to cut costs as it offers the details of the vulnerabilities as well as the measures to be taken to counteract the suspected problem. This makes the application secure from attacks from hackers, thus ensuring it from any losses that may result from such incidents.

Top 7 Best Practices for Mobile Application VAPT

best practices for mobile applications vapt

Do you know what the best practices for Mobile Applications VAPT, Don’t worry go through the below topic:

1. Conduct regular VAPT 

Lastly, VAPT is performed and scheduled from time to time to make sure that the developed application is safe and secure from hackers.

2. Use automated tools

Carry out the analysis of the vulnerabilities and suggest ways to protect against them with the help of such tools.

3. Use manual testing

This is where the use of a manual test comes in handy in that it will detect other vulnerabilities that the automatic tools might not detect.

4. Prioritize vulnerabilities

This means that the vulnerabilities need to be ranked with the specific consideration of the level of risk they present to the business.

5. Provide recommendations for remediation

Recommend ways that would be taken to rectify the particular vulnerabilities as a way of meeting the above requirements.

6. Conduct VAPT during development

A VAPT should be conducted during the development phase so that the application is safeguarded from the onset.

7. Conduct VAPT after deployment

Perform VAPT when the app is deployed so that it remains protected with no vulnerability.


Mobile Application VAPT is crucial for securing mobile apps. It identifies vulnerabilities, ensures compliance, and prevents financial losses. Regular VAPT is essential to stay ahead of cyber threats and maintain customer trust.


  1. Protection of Sensitive Data
  2. Compliance with Regulations
  3. Prevention of Financial Losses
  4.  Protection of Brand Reputation
  5.  Identification of Vulnerabilities
  6. Prioritization of Vulnerabilities
  7.  Compliance with Industry Standards
  8. Protection of Customer Trust
  9. Prevention of Malware Attacks
  10.  Identification of Configuration Weaknesses
  11.  Prioritization of Remediation Efforts
  12. Improvement of Application Security
  13. Reduction of Risk
  14. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
  15. Cost Savings


1. Why is Mobile Application VAPT necessary?

Ans: Mobile Application VAPT is necessary to identify vulnerabilities in a mobile application that can be exploited by hackers to steal sensitive data or disrupt business operations. It helps businesses protect their brand reputation and prevent financial losses.

2. What are the benefits of the Mobile Application VAPT?

Ans: The benefits of Mobile Application VAPT include identifying vulnerabilities, prioritizing remediation efforts, improving application security, reducing the risk of a security breach, and complying with regulatory requirements.

3. How often should Mobile Application VAPT be conducted?

Ans: Mobile Application VAPT should be conducted regularly, ideally every 6-12 months, or whenever there are significant changes to the application.

4. What types of vulnerabilities can be identified through Mobile Application VAPT?

Ans: Mobile Application VAPT can identify various types of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), buffer overflow, insecure data storage, and inadequate transport layer protection.

5. What is the difference between Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing?

Ans: Vulnerability Assessment is a process of identifying vulnerabilities in a mobile application, while Penetration Testing is a process of simulating a real-world attack on the application to exploit identified vulnerabilities.

6. Can Mobile Application VAPT be conducted in-house or should it be outsourced?

Ans: Mobile Application VAPT can be conducted in-house or outsourced to a third-party provider. However, outsourcing to a reputable provider can provide more comprehensive and objective results.

7. How long does Mobile Application VAPT typically take?

Ans: The duration of Mobile Application VAPT can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the scope of the testing. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

8. What is the cost of the Mobile Application VAPT?

Ans: The cost of Mobile Application VAPT can vary depending on the provider, scope of testing, and complexity of the application. However, it is a worthwhile investment to ensure the security and integrity of the application.

9. What are the deliverables of the Mobile Application VAPT?

Ans: The deliverables of Mobile Application VAPT typically include a comprehensive report detailing identified vulnerabilities, prioritized remediation efforts, and recommendations for improving application security.

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