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best ways to secure your social media accounts

5 Best Ways to Secure Your Social Media Accounts

Everyone knows that the internet is full of scams and freaking jungle out there. But still, we fail to filter the things which are harmful to us, here starts the problem.  Some get rid of that easily by following good practices and some lose money to cybercrimes.

So, it can be hard to know the exact best ways to secure your social media accounts. In this blog, we will be sharing the 5 best ways to do that only.

There are many ways to solve this huge problem and secure our data easily by a few steps, out of which here are 5 best practices that you can adapt easily that save your time, money as well as your account privacy!

1. Never use any cracked version apps or any third-party website

never use any cracked version apps or any third party website

Even though we all know that third-party apps and websites steal our data, we still use the modded version of apps to get the new advanced features.

At the same time, the developer of that specific website or app will get our credentials such as passwords, photos, videos, and usernames. To avoid such a risky situation we shouldn’t use any such apps as well as websites.

There are many modded whatsapp apps that have advanced features like viewing a deleted story, the option to download story videos directly with a single tap, freezing an account, scheduled story settings etc.

But these apps are not trustworthy. The developer can easily access our account with a single tap. They can blackmail us by taking our pictures, chats, videos, and other data. This makes sense right? So better avoid using a cracked version app.


  • Uninstall all modded/cracked version apps.
  • Log out after using social media accounts in open network areas.
  • Never open any links sent by unknowns.
  • Never save passwords in any apps such as Notes etc.
  • Never use public/open Wi-Fi.
  • Never log in from any third-party apps.
  • Always log out of your account when you’re done with your work.
  • Use two-factor authentication for every social media account.

2. Always change the password regularly

change passwords regularly of your social media profile


There might be chances of some traces left on some websites which we visit daily but unknowingly the passwords might get leaked and this can be misused. So it is better to change the password at regular intervals of time and use strong passwords.

Similarly, people use third-party web applications for likes and comments that give fake likes and comments easily. It saves login data and account details. So it’s better to say a big no for such apps and websites.


  • Change your passwords frequently i.e. once in 3-6 months.
  • Never use birthday date, vehicle number, mobile number, or consecutive numbers which makes decryption easier for a hacker.
  • Use a combination of Upper and small cases along with numerical and special characters to make it strong.
  • never save passwords in web browsers there might be chances of data stealing.

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3. Never accept friend requests from the strangers

never accept friend requests from the strangers

Social media is filled with suspicious and frauds and they pretend like real ones but the reality is different, because we never know who is sitting behind the screen or who is using the account, we just enjoy sharing content, and getting likes and comments but we never care about the people who follow us and like our content.

There are high chances of our account being cloned and asking for money from that account by imposters. This account cloning is common nowadays, so better if we avoid random followers and keep the account in private mode.


  • Filter your friend list, and remove unwanted people.
  • Never accept random friend requests in your personal account.
  • While having a conversation try to avoid opening the links sent by an unknown or any doubtful friends because there is a high chance of getting hacked!

4. Do not connect to public wifi

do not connect to public wifi

 Always check the internet connection. If we are connected to any random open Wi-Fi network, then there is a high chance of data stealing.

Take precautions while you’re connected to an open network. While using VPN, make sure that the VPN service provider is genuine.

Make some research about the VPN app or website because nowadays there are N numbers of VPNs available. So filter it before using it.


  • Use mobile data as much as possible, for laptop try to use your own Wi-Fi network
  • Never use public or open Wi-Fi.
  • Use a genuine VPN.

5. Stay updated, keep an eye on all types of scams

always stay updated to secure your social media account

Always be careful while checking links or logging in from Mediator Web, because sometimes we do give access to hackers unknowingly. that single mistake can make our account get hacked or used for unethical things such as asking money from friends and relatives or posting unusual things like promoting bitcoin, fake ads, etc or may also lead to data breaching.

We are more likely to become victims of Likejacking, cyberbullying and many other cyber crimes. Many people get into this trap and lose their social media accounts and money too!


  • Check the news and stay updated on current affairs related to scams which are quite often.
  • Use antivirus get help from professionals
  • Don’t give details about your Gmail, or phone number and avoid sharing your confidential details etc
  • Beware of malware and fake giveaways.
  • Shortened links are more likely to be malicious links.
  • Random people=scam

Conclusion: Best Ways to secure your Social Media Accounts

So, that’s the end of the blog titled “5 Best Ways to secure your social media accounts“. We hope that you learned some new tips to protect and secure your Social Media Account.

FAQs: Best Ways to secure your Social Media Accounts

Why should we use two-factor authentication?

Although two-factor authentication is not 100% safe, it can prevent the stealing and misusing of data with two additional securities while authenticating the login credentials. 

How to choose a strong password?

Use a password that contains at least 12 characters. It should be a combination of upper cases, lower cases, numerical and special characters. Using passphrases could be a better option.

Can malware spread through social media?

Yes. There are high chances of cyber criminals spreading malware through social media like phishing emails, Ads suggesting the installation of certain vulnerable apps.

How to spot a fake URL?

Check the domain. The fake URL can’t have the exact domain as it requires a domain validation certificate and an organization validation certificate. Check for the privacy policy of the website.

Why is it important to read the website’s privacy policy before agreeing to the terms and conditions?

The privacy policy contains information about how the organization handles the information collected during the user’s sign-in, how and why the data is collected and how it is being used and if there are any chances of our data being shared with others.

How do we spot a fake giveaway on Instagram or Facebook?

Firstly check if the brand’s website has any information about the giveaway. It’s more likely to be fake if there are too many tasks to complete like spinning a wheel, sharing the same with a few others on WhatsApp etc. Check if the page is verified before entering any giveaway

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