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difference between red teaming and penetration testing

Difference between Red Teaming and Penetration Testing

Discussing the difference between red teaming and penetration testing is very crucial because it’s a topic that often confuses people.

So needs a discussion to clear out the doubts that most people have in this regard.

In the ever-evolving digital world, safeguarding your digital castle is always a big challenge ahead of us.

There are numerous threats trying to attack us, steal our data and rule over it. As the cyber security landscape has evolved, the security assessment procedures have also changed. 

To test the digital infrastructure and find out the vulnerabilities in the system, Red Teaming and Penetration Testing have become an integral part of the system.

While both seem similar from the outside, are they similar? If you also have the same question in mind, then this post is for you, so please read it get the answer to your question and explore the Difference between Red Teaming and Penetration Testing.

What is Penetration Testing?

what is penetration testing

Penetration testing, in simple terms, can be dictated as a targeted mission. In this process, a team of ethical hackers, often referred to as “pen testers”,

follows a defined scope and methodology to identify and exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of your security systems. 

They use industry-standard tools and manners to uncover all the disabilities in your application or security systems.

In other words, it can be seen as a security audit where all the vulnerabilities and loopholes of the security systems are identified through industry-standard procedures. 

Characteristics of Penetration Testing

  • Targeted Approach: It focuses on a specific system of application by following the pre-defined path and scope;
  • Black box testing: This method aims to validate the software’s functionality by ensuring it meets the desired requirements and to access its behaviours from end-users perspective;
  • White box testing: This method aims at verifying the correctness of the internal code of the application or system, highlighting the logical errors, and ensuring that all the code paths are secure and tested;
  • Deliverables: A detailed report is delivered that highlights all the vulnerabilities, potential threats, and recommendations for remediation of;

What is Red Teaming?

what is red teaming

The Red Teaming (RT) campaign is like a secret attack on the security systems where the team has no idea who is behind the attack and is being tested for their response and system vulnerabilities.

The Red Teaming (RT) campaign acts as a stimulated advisory working on a broader range of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to get through your defences.

They not only exploit your technical or system vulnerabilities but the human response to them, social engineering and physical security weaknesses. 

In simple terms, it can be stated as a live-fire drill, but the difference is that in a fire drill, everyone is aware that it is a drill, but here, it is kept a secret, especially from the technical teams. 

Characteristics of Red Teaming

  • Unpredictable and dynamic: Red teams (RT) work with their own set of rules and freedom; they mimic real-world attackers;
  • Focus on objectives: This activity is performed to achieve a specific target, like stealing the data, disrupting operations, or gaining access to complex systems;

Deliverables: A comprehensive report is created after analyzing the security posture, highlighting the system vulnerabilities, and providing recommendations for betterment;

Know the Key Difference between Red Teaming and Penetration Testing

know the key difference between penetration testing and red teaming

In this digital world where our lives are dependent on the data available over the internet, it is essential to safeguard the data and prevent it from reaching out into the hands of unfamiliar characters. 

Two major approaches are followed to test the digital security parameters of applications and other devices: Penetrating Testing and Red Teaming (RT).

Here in the table listed below, we have shared with you the significant differences between Penetration Testing and Red Teaming:

Penetration TestingRed Teaming
This process requires a less time duration as can be completed within days or a few weeks
This process requires less time duration as can be completed within days or a few weeks
It tests the publicly available vulnerabilities It exploits and validates the IT controls in the company to streamline detection and response capabilities in case of a cyber attack
Penetration Testing Frameworks:Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF)Open-Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM)Open Wen Application Security Project (OWASP)Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES)NITS Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment 800-115
Red Teaming (RT) Frameworks: TIBER-EU (Threat Intelligence-Based Ethical Red Teaming Framework – European Union)CBESTiCAST (Intelligence-led Cyber Attack Simulation Testing)FEER (Financial Entitles Ethical Red Teaming)AASE (Adversarial Attack Simulation Exercises)NATO’s FrameworkMitre’s ATT&CK Framework

The IT team is detailed about this before executing the exercise
This exercise is carried out secretly without letting the IT team know to take them by surprise and note down their actions
Penetration testing is carried out for compliance purposes
Red Teaming has no deal with the compliance activities

Penetration testing only exploits the application or the security lapses of the systemRed Teaming measures the engagement and initial reactions of the IT team 


Both Penetration Testing and Red Teaming (RT) play a vital role in enhancing the cybersecurity measures for IT infrastructure; the choice to opt among them is always based on the requirement and the organization’s goal. 

Red Teaming gives insight into how the team will respond and their security resilience. At the same time, Penetration Testing offers a targeted deep dive into specific vulnerabilities or complexities of the system. 

Ultimately, a combination of both or either of them can be opted by the organization based on their requirement and the objective behind this practice.


1. What do penetration tests and red team exercises achieve?

Ans. The Penetrating tests and red team exercises help us understand and improvise the lapses and vulnerabilities of our digital infrastructure.

2. What is the difference between the red team and the blue team pentesting?

Ans. Both the red team and blue team pentesting are practices carried out with the objective of safeguarding the digital infrastructure but with different means. The Red Team plays the role of an attacker trying to break through the cyber security defences while the Blue team works as the defender trying to defend the infrastructure from cyber attacks.

3. What is the best example of Red Teaming?

Ans. The Red Team is characterized as the attacker team, with the help of multiple “tactics, techniques, and procedures” (TTPs) that are also followed by the malicious hackers.
Some of examples of Red Teaming are (spear) phishing, ransomware, (identity) spoofing, session hijacking and injection attacks.

4. What are the disadvantages of red teaming?

Ans. Two of the major disadvantages of red teaming are the coverage and cost. 

5. What are the three 3 types of penetration test?

Ans. Penetration testing is mainly characterized by 2 types:
1. Black Box Penetration Testing;
2. Grey Box Penetration Testing;
3. White Box Penetration Testing.

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