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top 10 best phishing simulation service provider for it companies in perth

Top 10 Best Phishing Simulation Service Providers for IT Companies in Perth

IT businesses from Perth are standing on the front line of cybersecurity. Their daily task is fighting cybercrime. One of the most prominent dangers is phishing attacks, when scammers intend to infuse sensitive information through misleading emails or messages.

A proactive defence against cyber threats begins with a comprehensive phishing simulation training effort. This approach is effective in educating employees and crucially, it also helps the organization strengthen its cybersecurity posture overall.

This comprehensive guide will enlighten you about the pick of the market based on balanced criteria that is fair to Perth IT companies in the phishing simulation service provider landscape. Our discussion will encompass their functionalities, their pricing models, as well as their strong points to guide you through the process of getting the best possible service.

Understanding Phishing Simulation Services

Phishing simulation services simulate responsibility that emulates actual phishing attacks by sending bogus emails or messages to your workers. These simulations evaluate their skill set in recognizing red flags and refraining from making wrong clicks on malicious links and attachments.

Benefits of Phishing Simulation Services for IT Companies in Perth

benefits of phishing simulation services for it companies in perth

1. Enhanced Employee Awareness

Constant simulations prepare the team to recognize the most popular phishing approaches leading to a decrease in the overall rate of employees getting caught by the real facts.

2. Improved Phishing Detection Rates

By recognizing employees who keep on getting caught by the simulations, then you can direct training and support

3. Reduced Risk of Data Breaches

Proactive phishing education mitigates the risk of employees getting caught in “phishing attacks”. Such attacks easily result in the leakage of sensitive data as a result of accidental clicks.

4. Increased Security Culture

Regular simulations function way of keeping your company focused on security issues.

List of Top 10 Best Phishing Simulation Service Providers for IT Companies in Perth


1. CyberSapiens: Best Phishing Simulation Service Provider

CyberSapiens is a trusted phishing simulation service provider. CyberSapiens offers a comprehensive phishing test designed to improve awareness of phishing scams across organizations.

In this simulation, employees receive simulated phishing emails that mimic real phishing attempts. 

The goal is to allow staff to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment without facing the severe consequences of an actual phishing attack. 

CyberSapiens provides various phishing scenarios, easy reporting, and tailored templates for different industry sectors

Benefits of Phishing Simulation Service from CyberSapiens

  • Multiple phishing emails and scenarios to simulate.
  • Comprehensive and easy reporting.
  • Simple implementation.
  • Customized templates for each industry section.
  • Unlimited simulations.

Get 1 Free Phishing Simulation from CyberSapiens If you’re looking to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity awareness, consider reaching out to CyberSapiens

Clients Served By CyberSapiens


2. PhishMe (Cofense)

PhishMe is considered one of the world’s best phishing defence systems. This cutting-edge system delivers a secure platform with additional tools such as game-based phishing attack simulations and automated remediation. Developers have built a tool for the platform that effortlessly interacts with existing security tools as a part of it.

3. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is particularly recognized for its well-designed training program which has an easy-to-adopt platform, with a directory of pre-built phishing simulations. Training them in a game-like setting can promote an employee participatory approach to what is supposed to be combined efforts towards a common goal.

4. Proofpoint

Proofpoint is a security leader, the provider of phishing simulation among different security options for a complete security package. This is usually advantageous to the existing platform where Proofpoint is the key element of the solution.

5. Mimecast

Mimecast is a solution that is operated in a cloud and its main features lie in email security trying to perform phishing simulation. Their advantage is smoothly connecting to popular email narrations such as Microsoft 365.

6. Hoxhunt

This European vendor has a user-friendly platform that caters for personalized coaching and micro-learning, among other features.

7. Iron Scales

By using phishing experiments along with its core offerings the company provides IRONSCALES solutions that successfully cover advanced threat detection. This can be suitable as a complementary service in addition to that of such IT companies that are looking for multi-factor security solutions.

8. Barracuda Security Awareness Training

Barracuda has a viable phishing simulation alternative with a reasonable price to pay, and their reporting and training features improve user security significantly.

9. KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

In this regard, KnowBe4 lent out its main platform as earlier stated, but their unique standalone Security Awareness Training solution has built-in phishing simulation capabilities too.

10. Sim Phish

This Australian provider has created an up-to-date and easy-to-use platform with a customization aspect. They serve companies of all sizes, so they might be a good choice for Perth IT firms looking for a local supplier who has a specialty in customization.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Phishing Simulation Service Provider

factors to consider when choosing a phishing simulation service provider

1. Features

Pay attention to the application details and tailor the required reporting, training and software customization for your specific needs.

2. Pricing

The pricing model is based either on the number of users or the features included in the contract. It can also vary with the contract term.

3. Ease of Use

An easily usable platform is characterized by its ease of management and engagement of employees.

4. Scalability

A solution that would be scalable and thus, would be able to meet your organization’s scaling needs.

5. Customer Support

Faithful customer support which has beam to overcome the technical glitches and to get the most out of the platform is also vital.


Creating realistic phishing simulation models is one of the important competencies for Perth IT businesses which they can use to reinforce their cyber defenses. Through training the employees and building a culture of security consciousness, the services can signify big reductions in the risk of undergoing real-phishing attacks.

Think through what the provider of phishing simulation services can give to you regarding features, pricing, as well as the needs of your business. Recall that the best solution is one that is user-friendly, engaging and accommodable in the ever-changing landscape where cyber security is concerned.

Through the deployment of an effective phishing simulation program Perth IT companies will be able to improve employee’s cyber threat resistance and create the first link in the chain which will eventually make the whole business environment safer and stronger.

Summary: Top 10 Best Phishing Simulation Service Providers for IT Companies in Perth

  1. CyberSapiens 
  2. PhishMe (Cofense)
  3. KnowBe4
  4. Proofpoint
  5. Mimecast
  6. Hoxhunt
  8.  Barracuda Security Awareness Training
  9. KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
  10. Sim Phish


1. How often should we conduct phishing simulations? 

Ans: Experts recommend conducting simulations at least quarterly, with the frequency increasing based on your organization’s risk profile and industry threats.

2. What happens if an employee clicks on a simulated phishing email? 

Ans: Employees who click on phishing emails are typically redirected to a landing page explaining it was a simulation and providing educational resources.

3. Do phishing simulations improve employee morale? 

Ans: While simulations can initially cause anxiety when coupled with positive reinforcement and clear communication, they can ultimately improve employee morale by empowering them to identify and avoid real attacks.

4. Can phishing simulations be customized? 

Ans: Many providers offer customizable simulations allowing you to tailor scenarios to your specific industry and company culture.

5. What are the legal considerations of phishing simulations? 

Ans: Ensure employees are informed about the program beforehand and obtain consent to participate.

6. How can we integrate phishing simulations with existing security awareness training? 

Ans: Phishing simulations complement existing training programs by providing real-world application of security knowledge.

7. What are some best practices for communicating phishing simulations to employees? 

Ans: Be transparent about the program’s purpose and emphasize the benefits of a security-conscious workforce.

8. Can phishing simulations be used to target specific employee groups? 

Ans: Yes, simulations can be customized to target different departments or roles based on their risk profile or job function.

9. How do we ensure phishing simulations remain realistic and effective? 

Ans: Regularly update simulations with the latest phishing tactics and leverage reporting data to identify areas for improvement.

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