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top 10 security awareness training providers in australia

Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Australia

With the enhancement of technology, hackers have also grown in the number and the level of their attacks, which is a menace to businesses and persons.

Cybercrime is a growing problem in Australia, so security awareness training is now considered a critical part of any organisation’s defensive measures. Security awareness training aims to ensure that the employees are conversant with the aspects of security especially in the cyber environment and how to deal with it. 

Here are Australia’s top 10 security awareness training providers with their special features, strengths, and considerations for choosing them.

What is Security Awareness Training?

Before going into the main topic let’s see what is security awareness training:

Security Awareness Training (SAT) is a program designed to educate individuals on how to protect themselves and their organization from various types of cyber threats, scams, and data breaches. The primary goal of SAT is to equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and respond to potential security threats, thereby reducing the risk of a security incident.

List of Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Australia

list of top 10 security awareness training providers in australia

Here is the “list of the Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Australia“. We hope after going through this list that we compiled through research you are able to find the best security awareness training provider for your company.

1. CyberSapiens: Best Security Awareness Training Online Provider in Australia

On number one of our list of top security awareness training providers in Australia, we have CyberSapiens. They are the first choice of the companies looking for the best cyber security service provider. Among many of the cyber security services they offer, Security Awareness Training is just a minor part.

To date, CyberSapiens have trained over

  1. 500,000+ Individuals
  2. Taken over 1000+ sessions conducted worldwide
  3. and boasts a team of 40+ highly specialised Cyber Security Experts.

Under their security awareness training program, they cover various topics such as:

Main TopicSub Topics
Introduction to Cybersecuritya. Understanding the basics of cybersecurity
b. Importance of cybersecurity in the workplace
Phishing Awarenessa. Identifying phishing emails and messages
b. Recognizing malicious links and attachments
c. Responding to phishing attempts
Password Securitya. Creating strong, unique passwords
b. Importance of password managers
c. Implementing multi-factor authentication
Email Securitya. Safe email practices
b. Recognizing and avoiding email scams
c. Handling suspicious emails
Social Engineering Attacksa. Understanding social engineering tactics
b. Protecting against pretexting, baiting, and other social engineering schemes
Safe Internet Usagea. Recognizing safe and unsafe websites
b. Avoiding malware and malicious downloads
c. Safe browsing practices
Mobile Device Securitya. Securing mobile devices
b. Safe use of apps and mobile internet
c. Mobile device management policies
Data Protection and Privacya. Understanding data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
b. Best practices for handling sensitive data
Importance of data encryption
Remote Work Securitya. Securing home networks and devices
b. Using VPNs and secure connections
c. Safe remote access practices
Incident Responsea. Recognizing and reporting security incidents
b. Steps to take if a breach is suspected
c. Understanding the incident response process
Physical Securitya. Protecting physical access to devices and data
b. Importance of secure workspaces
c. Handling lost or stolen devices
Social Media Securitya. Safe social media practices
b. Recognizing social media scams
c. Protecting personal and professional information on social media
Insider Threatsa. Understanding the risk of insider threats
b. Recognizing suspicious behaviors
c. Policies and practices to mitigate insider threats
Software and System Updatesa. Importance of regular updates and patches
b. Recognizing legitimate update notifications
c. Keeping software and systems current
Recognizing Ransomwarea. Understanding what ransomware is
b. Preventing ransomware attacks
c. Responding to a ransomware infection
Safe Use of Cloud Servicesa. Understanding cloud security risks
b. Safe practices for using cloud storage and applications
c. Protecting data in the cloud
Corporate Policies and Proceduresa. Familiarizing with company-specific security policies
b. Understanding acceptable use policies
c. Adhering to company security protocols
Compliance and Legal Issuesa. Understanding relevant cybersecurity laws and regulations
b. Importance of compliance in the workplace
c. Consequences of non-compliance

2. CyberAudit

CyberAudit is one of the top security awareness training companies in Australia and offers a variety of training modules to fit any organization’s needs.

The training modules that the company provides to the employees are regarding various types of cyber threats including phishing, social engineering, and ransomware attacks. CyberAudit’s training courses are highly interactive, informative, and are presented in simple language, thus suitable for all organizations.

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3. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is a leading security training organisation and is based in the United States of America but has operations in Australia. Currently, their training program is developed based on the methodology of Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most famous hacker, in security awareness training.

The company’s training modules comprise phishing, password, and social engineering among others. The training offered is very engaging and includes modules, videos, and games to make the employee engage in learning.

4. Cybsafe

Cybsafe is an Australian-based company that provides security awareness training with a difference. Their training program is based on behavioural science and the goal is to modify the employees’ behaviour and perception of cybersecurity. Cybsafe’s training modules are quite interactive and simple to grasp, thus suitable for organizations that want their employees to undergo cybersecurity training.

5. Infosec

Infosec is a security awareness training company that has been in the market for a long time, particularly in Australia. Their training programs are informative to the employees and aim at enhancing their awareness of different threat types like phishing, passwords, and social engineering.

The training modules that Infosec provides are rich with games, quizzes and simulations which make the employees to be very much involved in the training.

6. Wombat Security

Wombat Security is a security awareness training provider that has operations primarily in Australia. Their training is aimed at acquainting the employees with the basics of cybersecurity and the possible threats such as phishing, password leakage, and social engineering.

Wombat Security’s training modules are rather gamified, meaning they include games, quizzes, and simulations that would capture the employees’ attention.

7. Phish Labs

Phish Labs is an Australian company that deals with security awareness training with a specific focus on training on Phishing. It is a training program that aims to raise the awareness of the employees as to what phishing is and how it can be prevented through practical sessions including scenarios.

Phish Labs’ training modules are also very interactive, entertaining, and simple, which makes it perfect for organizations that want to prevent phishing attacks.

8. SecurityIQ

SecurityIQ is a security awareness training organization that is mostly based in Australia. The company’s training program is aimed at raising awareness of the employees on different types of threats that are associated with cyber security such as phishing, password management and social engineering.

SecurityIQ training modules are very engaging and include activities such as games, quizzes, and simulations that will help the employees to be more attentive and interested in the training process.

9. Cofense

Cofense is one of the most trusted security awareness training companies that operate in Australia. The training that they provide to their workers is to enhance their awareness of the various types of attacks that are common in the workplace such as phishing, weak passwords, and social engineering attacks.

Cofense’s training modules are gamified, which means that they include games, quizzes, and simulations that employees will find engaging.

10. Optus Cyber Security

Optus Cyber Security is among the most popular security awareness training organizations in Australia and offers the following training programs to organizations:

The training modules they offer cover the various forms of cyber threats that employees may face such as phishing, password, and social engineering. Optus Cyber Security’s training materials are very practical, interactive and concise, thus suitable for organizations of any size.

Why Security Awareness Training is Essential in Australia?

why security awareness training is essential in australia

So in this section let’s talk about why Security Awareness Training is Essential in Australia here are the reasons:

1. High incidence of cyber-attacks

This makes Australia one of the most attractive targets for cybercriminals, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) revealed that 62% of Australian businesses were hit by a cyber attack in 2020. Security awareness training makes the employees aware of how these attacks work and how to prevent them.

2. Rising costs of cybercrime

ACSC says that the current cost of cybercrime to the Australian economy is estimated at around AUD 2. 5 billion annually. Thus, by providing security awareness training to the employees, organizations can minimize the threats of cyber attacks and also the cost of the breach.

3. Strict data protection regulations 

Australia has robust laws that regulate data protection, especially through the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme whereby organizations have the responsibility of informing the affected individuals and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Since security awareness training aims at informing employees of the legal requirements that exist in the organization, it is useful to remind employees of their responsibilities concerning these requirements.

4. Remote work and increased risk

Due to the current remote working culture, employees are open to cyber risks like phishing and social engineering. Security awareness training helps in raising the employee’s awareness of how to work securely in a remote setup.

5. Lack of cybersecurity skills

Fewer employees have the necessary skills and knowledge on how to recognize and confront cyber threats. Security awareness training addresses this need, thus, enhancing the individuals’ potential to contribute to the organization’s cybersecurity.

Top 5 Benefits of Security Awareness Training

5 benefits of security awareness training

So in the above section, you have read about the top 10 providers and  why Security Awareness Training is essential in Australia in this section let’s see the benefits of Security Awareness Training

1. Reduced risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches 

By educating employees on cybersecurity best practices, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.

2. Improved employee awareness and understanding

Security awareness training helps employees understand the importance of cybersecurity and how to identify and respond to potential threats.

3. Enhanced incident response and disaster recovery

Training employees on incident response and disaster recovery procedures enables organizations to respond more effectively to cyber-attacks and minimize downtime.

4. Compliance with regulatory requirements

Security awareness training helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements, such as the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme and the Australian Government’s Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF).

5. Cost savings 

By reducing the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches, organizations can save on financial losses, reputational damage, and legal fees associated with a breach.


Here is the summary for “Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Australia“:

  1. CyberSapiens 
  2. CyberAudit
  3. KnowBe4
  4. Cybsafe
  5. Infosec
  6. Wombat Security
  7. Phish Labs
  8. SecurityIQ
  9. Cofense
  10. Optus Cyber Security


In conclusion, security awareness training is an essential component of any organization’s defence strategy in Australia. With the increasing threat of cybercrime, it is crucial to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices and how to identify and respond to potential threats.

The top 10 security awareness training providers in Australia listed above offer a range of training programs tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations.

FAQs: Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in Australia

1. Why is the Security Awareness Training Program (SATP) important for Australian businesses?

Ans: Cybercrime is a growing threat in Australia, and businesses of all sizes are targets. SATPs empower employees to identify and avoid these threats, reducing the risk of data breaches and financial losses.

2. What are the common topics covered in Security Awareness Training Programs?

Ans: SATPs typically address phishing attacks, malware threats, password security, data protection regulations, and best practices for secure online behaviour.

3. How often should employees receive Security Awareness Training Programs?

Ans: Experts recommend regular training, ideally annually with refresher courses throughout the year. Cyber threats evolve constantly, so keeping employees updated is crucial.

4. Are there any regulations in Australia that require Security Awareness Training Programs?

Ans: While no specific regulations mandate SATPs, some industries may have data protection requirements that can be met through effective security awareness programs.

5. How much does a Security Awareness Training Program typically cost?

Ans: Costs vary depending on the provider, training format, and number of employees. Most providers offer flexible pricing models, with options to suit different budgets.

6. What are the benefits of using a Security Awareness Training Program provider?

Ans: Providers offer expertise, a wider range of training content, and user-friendly platforms compared to developing training in-house.

7. Do Security Awareness Training Programs typically involve simulations?

Ans: Many programs incorporate simulated phishing attacks, allowing employees to practice identifying and reporting suspicious emails in a safe environment.

8. How can I measure the effectiveness of a Security Awareness Training Program?

Ans: Providers often offer reporting tools that track employee progress and identify areas where additional training may be needed. Phishing simulations can also be used to gauge employee awareness levels.

9.  What are some free resources available for Security Awareness Training Programs?

Ans: The Australian Government’s StaySafeOnline website offers a range of free resources to get businesses started with security awareness.

10. How can I choose the right Security Awareness Training Program provider for my business?

Ans: Consider factors like company size, industry, budget, preferred training format, and desired features like reporting and analytics. Don’t be afraid to explore providers beyond this list to find the best fit for your specific needs.

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