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top 10 security awareness training providers in the united kingdom

Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in the United Kingdom

Current trends show that cybersecurity is one of the most important components of corporate and organizational activities in the digital world. In the recent past, there have been increased reports of cybercrimes, therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness among employees on how to recognize and report cases of cyber threats.

Security awareness training is an essential element of any organization’s information security measures, and the United Kingdom is no exception.

This article aims to present the top 10 security awareness training providers in the UK to assist you in making the right decision for your company.

What is Security Awareness Training?

Before going into the top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in the United Kingdom let’s learn what security awareness training is? 

Security awareness training is an educational program designed to teach people about cybersecurity threats and how to protect themselves and their organizations. It’s like giving your employees a mental toolbox to identify and deal with cyber dangers.

List of Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in the United Kingdom

top 10 security awareness training providers in the uk

Here is the List of Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in the United Kingdom:

1. CyberSapiens: Best Security Awareness Training Online Provider in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom CyberSapiens is one of the best Security Awareness Training online provider.

CyberSapiens is the first choice of the companies looking for the best cyber security service provider. Among many of the cyber security services they offer, Security Awareness Training is just a minor part.

To date, CyberSapiens have trained over:

  1. Over 500,000+ users have been trained
  2. More than 300 sessions have been conducted
  3. Our team of 40+ experts are dedicated to the program 

Under the security awareness training program, CyberSapiens covers various topics such as:

Main TopicSub Topics
Introduction to Cybersecuritya. Understanding the basics of cybersecurity
b. Importance of cybersecurity in the workplace
Phishing Awarenessa. Identifying phishing emails and messages
b. Recognizing malicious links and attachments
c. Responding to phishing attempts
Password Securitya. Creating strong, unique passwords
b. Importance of password managers
c. Implementing multi-factor authentication
Email Securitya. Safe email practices
b. Recognizing and avoiding email scams
c. Handling suspicious emails
Social Engineering Attacksa. Understanding social engineering tactics
b. Protecting against pretexting, baiting, and other social engineering schemes
Safe Internet Usagea. Recognizing safe and unsafe websites
b. Avoiding malware and malicious downloads
c. Safe browsing practices
Mobile Device Securitya. Securing mobile devices
b. Safe use of apps and mobile internet
c. Mobile device management policies
Data Protection and Privacya. Understanding data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
b. Best practices for handling sensitive data
c. Importance of data encryption
Remote Work Securitya. Securing home networks and devices
b. Using VPNs and secure connections
c. Safe remote access practices
Incident Responsea. Recognizing and reporting security incidents
b. Steps to take if a breach is suspected
c. Understanding the incident response process
Physical Securitya. Protecting physical access to devices and data
b. Importance of secure workspaces
c. Handling lost or stolen devices
Social Media Securitya. Safe social media practices
b. Recognizing social media scams
c. Protecting personal and professional information on social media
Insider Threatsa. Understanding the risk of insider threats
b. Recognizing suspicious behaviors
c. Policies and practices to mitigate insider threats
Software and System Updatesa. Importance of regular updates and patches
b. Recognizing legitimate update notifications
c. Keeping software and systems current
Recognizing Ransomwarea. Understanding what ransomware is
b. Preventing ransomware attacks
c. Responding to a ransomware infection
Safe Use of Cloud Servicesa. Understanding cloud security risks
b. Safe practices for using cloud storage and applications
c. Protecting data in the cloud
Corporate Policies and Proceduresa. Familiarizing with company-specific security policies
b. Understanding acceptable use policies
c. Adhering to company security protocols
Compliance and Legal Issuesa. Understanding relevant cybersecurity laws and regulations
b. Importance of compliance in the workplace
c. Consequences of non-compliance

2. CyberSmart

CyberSmart is one of the most popular security awareness training companies in the United Kingdom.

They have multiple training modules available; these are phishing, passwords, and data protection. CyberSmart’s courses are interactive, fun, and simple, and they will help any organization, big or small, learn essential information.

3. InfoSec

InfoSec is one of the UK’s most prominent suppliers of security awareness training. Their training programs are centred on human security, which defines employees as an organization’s best defence against cyber threats.

The InfoSec platform has the features of providing tailored training, phishing tests, and risk assessments to assist in the enhancement of an organization’s cybersecurity.

top 10 security awareness training providers in the united kingdom and get one free phishing simulation done

4. Esett

Esett on the other hand is an international cybersecurity firm with its core operations being in the UK. Their security awareness training program is based on raising the employees’ awareness of contemporary threats such as phishing, ransomware, and malware.

The training that has been developed by Esett is active, clear and simple and that is why organizations that are interested in enhancing their organisations

5. PhishGuardz

PhishGuardz is a UK-based company that is mostly involved in the provision of security awareness training and testing through phishing. Their platform has several modules, namely, the core training modules that focus on topics such as email security, password management, and data protection.

PhishGuardz training is rather informative, interactive, and simple to follow; so, it can be useful for organizations that are interested in enhancing employees’ level of cyber awareness.

6. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is a security awareness training provider based in the United States of America but has a significant market share in the United Kingdom.

Their service provides training materials, which include phishing emails, password-protected materials, and compliance training. KnowBe4’s training is interactive, fun and straightforward, which is why it can be useful for any organization regardless of its size.

7. Cybersecurity Awareness Plus

Cybersecurity Awareness Plus is a UK-based company that provides end-to-end security awareness training services.

Their solutions are in the form of training programs that are exciting and can be used in different industries and with different compliance needs.

In Cybersecurity Awareness Plus, employees are made aware of the current threats and how to avoid them with training that is centred on the user.

8. Bob’s Business

Bob’s Business is a UK company that deals in security awareness training and simulated phishing. The training modules on their platform include the following; email security, password management and data protection.

Bob’s Business’s training is interactive and presented in a clear manner that will be effective in enhancing the employees’ cybersecurity skills within any organization.

9. CyberVista

CyberVista is a UK-based company that deals with providing services that are related to the security training and assessment of phishing activities.

Their solutions are rich and include functional and entertaining training tools that can help many industries meet their compliance needs.

Thus, CyberVista’s training is oriented towards the end-users and provides them with information on the possible threats and measures for effective prevention.

10. QA

QA is a UK-based organization that has been providing security awareness training and phishing simulation services. Their training materials are diverse and encompass such topics as email security, password storage, and data security.

The QA’s training is interactive and simple and that is why it is ideal for organizations wishing to enhance the knowledge of their staff on cyber security.

What to Look for in a Security Awareness Training Provider?

what to look for in a security awareness training provider

We know that you are confused about what to look for in a Security Awareness Training Provider. Don’t worry we have the solution for you just follow the below guidelines to consider.

1. Customization

Search for a provider that can provide you with training that is designed to meet your organisation’s needs and its industry.

2. Interactivity

Training of employees is vital and should be in the form of training that is fun and interactive.

3. Relevance

Some of the things that should be included in the training should be the current threats and the best ways of avoiding them as well as compliance requirements of the industry.

4. User experience

The platform and interface must be simple to use and readily acceptable to employees.

5. Support

Choose a provider who can provide you assistance and information on how you can put into place as well as maintain your training program.

6. Analytics 

A provider that provides analytics and reporting shall assist in monitoring the performance of the employees and opportunities for development.


Here is the summary for “List of Top Best 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in united kingdom“:

  1. CyberSapiens
  2.  CyberSmart
  3. InfoSec
  4. Esett
  5. PhishGuardz
  6. KnowBe4
  7. Cybersecurity Awareness Plus
  8. Bob’s Business
  9. CyberVista
  10. QA


Security awareness training is one of the most vital elements of any organization’s security approach. The prevalence of cyber threats calls for the need to create awareness on the part of employees on how to deal with the threats. There are many security awareness training providers in the UK and each of them has something different to offer.

Thus, choosing a reliable provider will help to enhance the overall level of cybersecurity in your organization and minimize the chances of experiencing a cyber attack.

FAQs: Top 10 Security Awareness Training Providers in the United Kingdom

1. What is security awareness training?

Ans: Security awareness training is a program designed to educate employees on how to identify and prevent cyber-attacks, such as phishing, malware, and ransomware. It aims to teach employees how to use technology safely and securely, and to develop good cybersecurity habits.

2. Why is security awareness training important?

Ans: Security awareness training is essential because employees are often the weakest link in an organization’s cybersecurity defence. Cybercriminals use social engineering tactics to trick employees into divulging sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. By educating employees on how to identify and respond to these threats, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.

3. Who should receive security awareness training?

Ans: All employees should receive security awareness training, regardless of their role or level of technical expertise. This includes executives, managers, IT staff, customer-facing staff, and anyone with access to company systems and data.

4. How often should security awareness training be provided?

Ans: Security awareness training should be provided regularly, ideally quarterly or bi-annually, to keep employees up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and best practices. Additionally, new employees should receive training as part of their onboarding process.

5. What topics should security awareness training cover?

Ans: Security awareness training should cover a range of topics, including password management, email security, phishing, malware, ransomware, data protection, and physical security. It should also address industry-specific compliance requirements and regulations.

6. How can I measure the effectiveness of security awareness training?

Ans: You can measure the effectiveness of security awareness training by tracking employee participation and engagement, conducting regular phishing simulations, and monitoring the number of reported security incidents. You can also use surveys and quizzes to assess employees’ knowledge and attitudes towards cybersecurity.

7. Can security awareness training be done online?

Ans: Yes, security awareness training can be done online, which makes it convenient and cost-effective. Online training platforms often include interactive modules, quizzes, and games to engage employees and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

8. How long does security awareness training typically take?

Ans: The length of security awareness training can vary depending on the provider and the extent of the training. Typically, a comprehensive training program can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Bite-sized training modules can be completed in shorter sessions, making it easier for employees to fit them into their busy schedules.

9. Are security awareness training providers compliant with industry regulations?

Ans: Reputable security awareness training providers ensure that their training programs comply with industry regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. It’s essential to choose a provider that meets your organization’s specific compliance requirements.

10. How much does security awareness training cost?

Ans: The cost of security awareness training varies depending on the provider, the scope of the training, and the number of employees. Some providers offer free trials or demos, while others charge a per-user fee or an annual subscription. On average, the cost of security awareness training can range from £5 to £50 per user per year.

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