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top 15 best tools you need to become a pro bug bounty hunter

Top 15 Best Tools You Need to Become a Pro Bug Bounty Hunter

The best part of hunting for cybersecurity bugs is the high adrenaline of the quest or the joy from having successfully harvested the fruits of your labour – cybersecurity enthusiasts will have a definite rush from this kind of work.

However, being a hunter as a professional is not an easy task. It means that you require proper equipment to explore the inflow of vulnerabilities.

This chapter will serve as a comprehensive guide on the top 15 Best Tools You Need to Become a Pro Bug Bounty Hunter. In this discussion, we will examine their features, make good cases for their functionality, as well as list various user ratings that will help you pick an adequate set of gears for your hunting style.

List of Top 15 Best Tools You Need to Become a Pro Bug Bounty Hunter

best tools you need to become a pro bug hunter cybersapiens cybersecurity company

To become a pro bug bounty hunter, mastering the right tools is essential here are the 15 best tools that we have researched end-to-end and provided in this article

1. Best Bug Hunting Tool

top-15-best-tools-you-need-to-become a pro bug bounty hunter from hunter io (4.9/5)

No, one in our list of 15 Best Tools You Need to Become a Pro Bug Bounty Hunter, we have

Now here rise is a beast, a tool that makes available a target’s profile, showing you subdomains, email domains, and as well technology used.

The ‘reconnaissance’ will be like your ‘secret gathering tool’, a comprehensive view of all sections of the market before you set up your ‘attacks’ (hacking no-no!).

Want to Learn Bug Hunting? Join our Bug Bounty Course Now!

2. Amass

amass best bug hunting tool

Github Rating (4.7/5)

Amass is a powerful machine bent on complex web searching, resulting in a precise listing of subdomains and other correlated details on your target. Using robotics helps hunters save time by automating tasks and eliminating human labour.

Specialization of Amass Bug Hunting Tool: Scanning & Vulnerability Detection

3. Burp Suite

best bug hunting tools for beginners in bounty hunting

Burp Suite 4.7/5

It is a must-have tool for any general purpose use, regardless if you are a penetration tester or bug bounty hunter. Burp Suite, unlike other penetration testing toolkits,

provides many tools for manual testing including a proxy that works like a man-in-the-middle technique, a scanner for weak spots, and most importantly, a fully featured web application introspection toolkit.

4. Acunetix

bug bounty toolkit essentials for new hunters

Acunetix 4.4

This all-in-one vulnerability scanner machine automates the scanning process, which easily detects vulnerabilities in any web app. As a result, you get more accurate results.

In the context of account-based marketing, Acunetix can become your best friend, because it will save you time to focus on potential clients most likely to convert.

5. Charles Proxy  


Charles Proxy 4.6/5

Charles Proxy may be treated as a mediator between your web explorer as well as the victimized web pages. It always happens in such a way as to affect the modification of traffic.

The hacker can identify the most suitable tools, which assist in the creation and modification of requests to search for insecurities.

6. Postman

top 15 bug hunting tools for aspiring hunters

Postman 4.7/5

Besides they work mostly with API testers, Postman can be helpful to bug bounty hunters also. It is the tool to help you send a custom request to a web application or software as well as respond to it. It does help you to reveal the application or the software in more detail.

7. Metasploit Framework


Metasploit Framework 4.4/5

The free nature of this framework gives a hacker a massive range of weapon attacks and penetration testing operations. Certainly, some features of the program may necessitate expert skills; however, Metasploit will be a formidable force in the hands of the well-trained hunter.

8. PowerShell Empire


PowerShell Empire4.2/5

This PowerShell empire-designed payload as a key part of the exploitation framework gives you the ability to do remote access to compromised systems that hold alive in permission boundaries during the ethical hackathon.

Addressing the exigency of user convenience uplifts the status of Empire as a bug bounty tool favoured by both newbies and vet bug bounty hunters.

9. Hacktivity


Hacktivity 4.5/5

Such a bug bounty management platform will make the reporting process much easier, giving you the chance to answer all the questions you have and do the document clearly and understandably.

Hacktivity does not only provide the functionality of group working, but it allows cooperation with other exploring opportunity hunters.

10. Bugcrowd


Bug crowd 4.5/5

Bugcrowd is an acknowledged leader among the platform vendors that provide a bug bounty service, allowing organizations to increase their security level by involving various security experts from all over the globe.

The platform provides an easy-to-use workflow where this information is captured in the management of an exposure and automatically tracked in the resolution process.

11. PortSwigger Web Security Academy (Paid courses)


PortSwigger Web Security 4.3/5

Portswigger In addition to this name-recognized force, this academy also provides an extensive work curriculum on web security and ethical hacking.

Their courses stand as a valuable means for anyone who intends to participate in bug bounties, which will give them the know-how and the aptitude to do so successfully.

12. Bug Bounty Hunting subreddit (Free)


Bug Bounty Hunting 4.5/5

An awesome bug bounty subreddit on Reddit is a great place where you can build networks around other in-the-trenches hunters, learn from them, know what is trending in the field, and whatnot.

13. Kali Linux (Free)


Kali Linux 4.5/5

The other penny is raised by very dedicated and professional franchisees who work around the clock in their stores or platforms for serious bug bounty hunters.

Kali Linux the fact allows you to test yourself and investigate different tools is quite an easy and smooth process.

14. FFUF


FFUF 4.3/5

With this application, the discovery of hidden directories and web application functionalities becomes just a matter of pressing the button.

Sincere bug bounty programs, on the other hand, promote the avoidance of brute-force attacks, but appreciating how this process works can help discover other loopholes that other routine testing might omit.

15. EyeWitness


EyeWitness 4.6/5

The EyeWitness is an apparatus that performs multi-faceted functionality of screen snapshots and information gathering about a particular website to unveil its technologies, server breakdown, and open ports.

This being said, this data can be critical in unlimited possible vulnerabilities.

Summary: Top 15 Best Tools You Need to Become a Pro Bug Bounty Hunter

  2. Amass
  3. Burp Suite
  4. Acunetix
  5. Charles Proxy
  6. Postman
  7. Metasploit Framework
  8. PowerShell Empire
  9. Hacktivity
  10. Bugcrowd
  11. PortSwigger Web Security Academy (Paid courses)
  12. Bug Bounty Hunting subreddit (Free)
  13. Kali Linux (Free)
  14. FFUF
  15. EyeWitness


Bug bounty hunting is more of a mock forum, where the participants get to expend their inquisitiveness and overcome the challenges and journey along the process of rewards and rewards.

Using developing competence through the use of necessary tools, practising your abilities and upholding an ethical approach, you might become one of the crucial players leading the battle against cybercrime. Thus, find your way to your digital tools, focus your inner hunts and start navigating the way to your “Bug Bunny” destiny!

So, get busy and become a bug bounty This is the key to you achieving success through constant learning, only compromising information of all matured minds and an excellent pursuit of knowledge. Happy hunting!


1. Do I need to be a programming whiz to become a bug bounty hunter?

Ans. While programming skills can be beneficial, they aren’t necessary. Many bug bounty hunters excel with strong analytical thinking, a keen eye for detail, and a passion for learning new tools and techniques.

2. How much money can I make as a bug bounty hunter?

Ans. Earnings can vary greatly depending on your skills, experience, and the programs you participate in. Some hunters make a comfortable living, while others treat it as a side hustle. The important thing is to focus on honing your skills and building a strong reputation within the community.

3. How much money can I make as a bug bounty hunter?

Ans. Earnings can vary greatly depending on your skills, experience, and the programs you participate in. Some hunters make a comfortable living, while others treat it as a side hustle. The important thing is to focus on honing your skills and building a strong reputation within the community.

4. Is bug bounty hunting legal?

Ans. Absolutely! Bug bounty programs are established by organizations to encourage ethical hackers to discover and report vulnerabilities. As long as you operate within the program’s guidelines and adhere to responsible disclosure practices, you’re contributing to a positive outcome.

5. Where can I find bug bounty programs?

Ans. Several platforms connect bug bounty hunters with organizations, such as Hacker One, Bug Crowd, and Bounty Factory. Additionally, many companies run their own independent bug bounty programs – keep an eye out on their security pages for details.

6. What are some resources to help me learn more about bug bounty hunting?

Ans. There’s a wealth of resources available online! The Port Swigger Web Security Academy offers excellent courses, while the bug bounty hunting subreddit on Reddit is a great place to connect with the community. Additionally, many bug bounty platforms maintain informative resources and tutorials.

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