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top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in adelaide should use

Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Adelaide Should Use

Cyber security risks are one of the most common risks experienced by both small and large businesses. Today phishing remains one of the threats that the modern business environment presents to employees where they trick employees into providing personal information or clicking on links that could be viruses.

Such attacks can cause significant harm to organizations by compromising their data security, resulting in data hacks, loss of money, and negative publicity.

Many companies which operate in Adelaide need to tighten their security. Phishing simulation tools should be used here as part of this strategy to create phishing attacks that will fool employees into thinking that they are clicking on a legitimate link to which a real attack is being launched.

Employees can also train how to spot suspicious activity, how to avoid being a victim of attacks and how to report potential threats through role-play attack simulations.

In this article, we will discuss the Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Adelaide Should Use

Why Phishing Simulation Tools Matters for Business in Adelaide?

why is phishing simulation tools matters for business in adelaide

Phishing emails often appear genuine, making them difficult to detect for untrained employees. Phishing simulations create controlled scenarios where employees receive simulated phishing attempts. These simulations offer several key benefits

1. Identify Knowledge Gaps

Training allows for identifying potential weaknesses in employees that a cybercriminal may use to launch a phishing attack. This makes it possible to focus on training that is meant to improve the skills in these weaknesses.

2. Boost Security Awareness

Such training involves the use of simulators and helps in maintaining employee awareness and preparing them for possible attacks on the business’ cybersecurity.

3. Measure Training Effectiveness

Simulation-based testing can be used to measure how effective a business’ security awareness training program is and how it can be improved based on feedback from employees.

4. Reduce the Risk of Attacks

Employees who have been trained in how to deal with such attacks can prevent a high number of successful phishing attacks that target personal information or company funds.

List of Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Adelaide Should Use

list of top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in adelaide should use

1. PhishCare by CyberSapiens: Best Phishing Simulation Tool

Cyber Sapiens offers phishing simulation services through their phishing tool called “PhishCare”. Here you can also run a free Simulation. This tool offers a comprehensive phishing test designed to improve awareness of phishing scams across organizations.

CyberSapiens provides various phishing scenarios, easy reporting, and tailored templates for different industry sectors

Best Benefits of “PhishCare” Tool

  • End to End Tracking capability
  • Spear phishing
  • Fully customized templates
  • Follow up Training
  • In-Depth Reporting
  • Security Checkpoint

Best Features of the “PhishCare” Tool

  • Customized Templates
  • Awareness Module
  • Assessment Test
  • Comprehensive Tracking
  • Graphical dashboard Access
  • Campaign Report
  • Custom domain integration

CyberSapiens highlighted that 47% of cyber security attacks such as social engineering, spear-phishing, and ransomware attacks are financially motivated, and it’s crucial to test employees and make them proactive in identifying and reporting phishing attacks

For organizations interested in enhancing their phishing awareness and defence, CyberSapiens provides a service that not only tests employees’ susceptibility to phishing but also educates them on how to recognize and avoid falling victim to such scams. 

This proactive approach is essential in today’s environment where cyber attacks are prevalent and increasingly sophisticated

2. KnowBe4

A Californian corporation is providing a library of phishing simulations and training modules, as well as in-depth configuration opportunities. Dart’s platform supports businesses of various sizes and in all fields.

top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in adelaide should use and get one free phishing simulation done by cybersapiens

3. PhishMe (Cofense)

Offers advanced phishing tests with detailed analysis and insights as well as a library of security awareness training materials. They have a strong element of games which ensures employees are kept excited.

4. SpamTitan

Spam filtering can be combined with phishing simulation and security awareness training that is provided by such companies as Wombat Security Technologies.

5. ThreatSwitch (KnowBe4): 

ThreatSwitch is more than just phishing simulations and is an effective awareness training solution from KnowBe4. This ranges from modules on password hygiene to modules on social engineering and physical security that will allow your Adelaide workforce to deal with more threats.

6. Vade Secure

This is an email security solution that works on a cloud network and is compatible with your existing email system. Vade Secure is more than just a spam defence; phishing simulations are baked in and the solution uses threat intelligence to stop emerging cyber threats.

7. WatchPhish

Deals with instantaneous phishing replicas and instantly informs the employees using the identical medium who have been duped by fake attacks. This real-time approach facilitates learning and assists Adelaide businesses in identifying employees who are at the highest risk of carrying out unsafe acts and require further training.

8. SIM Phish

Provides a more comfortable and configurable interface for phishing campaign creation. SIM Phish targets businesses of any size and offers the possibility to track in-depth results for employees and get information about training efficiency.

9. Tren Micro Phishing Ready

An extension that can be incorporated in Tren Micro Phishing Ready is a broader security solution suite offered by a global leader in cybersecurity. This offering comprises phishing simulations in addition to providing endpoint security and web filtering services thus offering layered security solutions to Adelaide businesses.

10. Proofpoint

This complete solution includes solutions for phishing simulations that include spear-phishing and malware simulation solutions for the security training program.

11. Cisco Phishing Security Awareness Training (PST)

Cisco now offers its security solutions in conjunction with the PST phishing simulation, training programs, and reporting tools for large corporations.

12. Hardenize

It is a cloud-based platform and comes with a diverse set of phishing simulation options, topic templates that can be modified by users, and the ability to support multiple languages of training for international business.

13. Terranova Security

This provider can provide phishing simulations for various industries, for example, Healthcare and finance in order for the scenarios to make sense to your employees.

contact cybersapiens for phishing simulation in adelaide

14. ThreatSim

This includes more realistic and tailored phishing services that are more specific to your industry and business.

15. PhishLabs

This platform is an advanced training platform that focuses on creating realistic and targeted phishing simulations that closely resemble what phishing attacks criminals use on their victims.

16. Wombat Security

Unlike the previous services of simulation of possible situations only this tool also provides all security awareness training content and phishing modules for teaching the employees about broader security threats.

17. Atacama Security

Atacama Security may be based in the US but the cloud-based software for phishing simulation has impressive features for distributed teams. This can be a useful feature for companies from Adelaide that have some workers operating from distant locations.

18. F-Secure Radar

An international company with a significant local base, the F-Secure Radar product features phishing scenarios in addition to security awareness training content and client/endpoint security solutions.

19. MailGuard

An email security company headquartered in Australia that enables phishing simulation as a part of its services. The ability of the two firms to operate locally gives them the advantage of understanding Australian regulations and business practices.

20. SecureComm

An Australian provider focusing on Email security and data protection. Phishing simulations are also offered through SecureComm as part of their managed security services for Adelaide businesses.

Summary of Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Adelaide Should Use

  1. PhishCare by CyberSapiens
  2. KnowBe4
  3. PhishMe (Cofense)
  4. SpamTitan
  5. ThreatSwitch (KnowBe4):
  6. Vade Secure
  7. WatchPhish
  8. SIM Phish
  9. Tren Micro Phishing Ready
  10. Proofpoint
  11. Cisco Phishing Security Awareness Training (PST)
  12. Hardenize
  13. Terranova Security
  14. ThreatSim
  15. PhishLabs
  16. Wombat Security
  17. Atacama Security
  18. F-Secure Radar
  19. MailGuard
  20. SecureComm


Last but not least, in fighting phishing we need to be prepared with a multilayered strategy. Adelaide businesses can implement methods that can enhance their company’s email security and cyber defence by achieving effective phishing simulation tool integration, repeat employee education on email security, and securing a culture of security.

This said I would like to stress that the right tools are still only part of the solution. Compare various solutions as they relate to your industry and invest in what best suits your needs.

With this attitude, your Adelaide business can take necessary actions that are effective in developing a strong defence against phishing attacks as well as protecting valuable data.


1. Are phishing simulations legal?

Ans: Absolutely! Phishing simulations are a legitimate and ethical way to test employee awareness and preparedness for real phishing attempts. However, it’s crucial to inform employees about the simulations beforehand to avoid confusion and frustration.

2. How often should we conduct phishing simulations?

Ans: The frequency depends on your risk tolerance and employee needs. Aim for regular simulations, perhaps monthly or quarterly, to keep employees engaged and maintain awareness.

3. What happens if an employee clicks on a simulated phishing link?

Ans: Don’t reprimand them! Use it as a teaching opportunity. Redirect them to a training module that explains why the email was suspicious and how to identify phishing attempts in the future.

4. Can’t employees just learn to ignore all suspicious emails?

Ans: Unfortunately, no. Phishing tactics constantly evolve, and some emails can be very convincing. Simulations help employees develop critical thinking skills to analyze emails and identify red flags.

5. Are there any free phishing simulation tools available?

Ans: Yes, some vendors offer limited free plans or trials. However, these may have fewer features compared to paid options. Consider the cost-benefit analysis based on your needs.

6. Do phishing simulations require a lot of IT expertise to set up?

Ans: Many tools are user-friendly and require minimal technical knowledge. Look for solutions with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-follow instructions.

7. How can we measure the success of our phishing simulation program?

Ans: Reporting features within the simulation tool will track employee click rates, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the effectiveness of your security training.

8. What if our employees get frustrated with phishing simulations?

Ans: Open communication is key. Explain the importance of simulations and how they ultimately benefit them by protecting their data and the company’s information.

9. Can phishing simulations be customized for our industry?

Ans: Yes Several tools allow you to tailor simulations to mimic threats relevant to your specific industry, making them more realistic and impactful for your employees.

10. Should we only rely on phishing simulations for our security awareness program?

Ans: No. Phishing simulations are a valuable tool, but they should be combined with other security awareness initiatives like training modules, security best practice discussions, and fostering a culture of open communication about cyber threats.

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