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top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in sydney should use

Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Sydney Should Use

Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated with phishing as one of the most common threats in the digital world today.

This attack, maybe from emails that seem to come from legitimate sources, is meant to make the employees divulge confidential information or click on links that are loaded with viruses.

These attacks end with disastrous impacts on business including data loss, financial loss, and bad reputation.

Thus, companies in Sydney should apply certain security measures. Afterwards, the phishing simulation tools come as one of the most effective weapons in this battle.

The following tools replicate real phishing attacks on the employees to make them learn to identify and avoid them.

In this article we will discuss Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Sydney Should Use.

Why do Phishing Tools Matter for Business in Sydney?

why do phishing tools matter for business in sydney

Phishing tools offer several Key benefits you can  find them below:

1. Enhanced Employee Awareness

Employees go through simulations that show them various phishing tactics and best practices that help them identify the red flags in emails they receive.

2. Improved Phishing Response Rates

Employees take courses in which they ‘rescue’ themselves by responding to safe simulated attacks, thus reducing the risk of falling prey to real phishing attempts.

3. Measurable Training Results

Simulation tools make it possible to keep track of progress and show the areas where further training is needed from the reports provided by the tools.

4. Reduced Risk of Cyberattacks

A skilled and trained staff prevents the odds of a successful phishing attack from rising as well as the financial losses that accompany a security breach.

List of Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Sydney Should Use

list of top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in sydney should use

1. PhishCare by CyberSapiens: Latest Best Phishing Simulation Tools

Cyber Sapiens offers phishing simulation services through their phishing tool called “PHISHCARE”. Here you can also run a free Simulation. This tool offers a comprehensive phishing test designed to improve awareness of phishing scams across organizations.

CyberSapiens provides various phishing scenarios, easy reporting, and tailored templates for different industry sectors

Best Benefits of the “PHISHCARE” Tool

  • End to End Tracking capability
  • Spear phishing
  • Fully customized templates
  • Follow up Training
  • In-Depth Reporting
  • Security Checkpoint

Best Features of the “PHISHCARE” Tool

  • Customized Templates
  • Awareness Module
  • Assessment Test
  • Comprehensive Tracking
  • Graphical dashboard Access
  • Campaign Report
  • Custom domain integration

CyberSapiens highlighted that 47% of cyber security attacks such as social engineering, spear-phishing, and ransomware attacks are financially motivated, and it’s crucial to test employees and make them proactive in identifying and reporting phishing attacks

For organizations interested in enhancing their phishing awareness and defence, CyberSapiens provides a service that not only tests employees’ susceptibility to phishing but also educates them on how to recognize and avoid falling victim to such scams. 

This proactive approach is essential in today’s environment where cyber attacks are prevalent and increasingly sophisticated

2. KnowBe4

Australia is one of the world’s leading KnowBe4 and they offer security awareness training modules with phishing exercises incorporated in them.

top 20 best phishing simulation tools that every business in sydney should use and get one free phishing simulation done by cybersapiens

3. Cofense 

This is a Sydney-based company that offers a comprehensive phishing platform with high-end capabilities including Phishing Simulation ™ and Phishing Sentinel™.

4. SlashNext 

One more Australian cyber-security company that is working in the area is SlashNext; it offers Phish-ID – a product that uses AI to track and prevent advanced phishing attempts.

5. Proofpoint

A prominent phishing simulation vendor in the market now, Proofpoint possesses a powerful platform with opportunities for customisation.

6. PhishLabs

This reliable firm conducts challenging realistic phishing simulations with strong global threat intelligence and detailed reporting capabilities.

7. Mimecast

Mimecast’s Targeted Threat Protection provides add-ons of phishing simulation features that guarantee an email security package together with awareness training.

8. Haptens 

A versatile web-based interface makes it simple to set up and run phishing simulations, and this is suited to companies of all sizes.

9. Abnormal Security

Abnormal Security’s platform employs the use of AI for phishing attack detection and prevention of such emails as the more complex ones.

10. Gophish 

Gophish is a low-cost phishing simulation tool certified under the GNU General Public License v3.0 and comes equipped with a basic package that is free 

11. Phisher 

Phisher is also open source which enables the creation of phishing simulations but lacks many features than the paid solutions. 

12. ThreatSim

This platform is not only about phishing simulations but also IT security as a whole, offering security awareness training to cover numerous security threats.

contact cybersapiens for phishing simulation in sydney

13. Security Awareness Training (SAT)

SAT offers a wide variety of security awareness modules such as phishing-based training, with an emphasis on ease-of-use.

14. SpamTitan Phishing Simulator

A familiar name in the provider of security software and an accessible and inexpensive choice, SpamTitan has some basic capabilities when it comes to phishing simulation.

15. IT Governance Phishing Simulator 

This offers a UK-based provider with an Australian presence with highly customizable simulations and security-targeted training resources.

16. Cloud Phish 

It has multi-layered phishing simulations, and simulations for social engineering attacks and has gamification as well that makes the usage of the platform more engaging for its users.

17. Terranova Security

Pentest-Insider This market leader offers extremely realistic phishing simulations with global threat intelligence and comprehensive reporting options.

18. Mobilis Security

Dealing with phishing attacks targeting mobile phones is what Mobilis Security has come up with a mobile-focused phishing simulation solution that works well for businesses with a strong mobile workforce.

19. ThreatWave

With ThreatWave, businesses can conduct email and mobile phishing simulations to deal with the changing face of phishing.

20. PhishingBox

This platform is targeted at the financial sector to pose real threats to the services the sector offers.

Choosing the Right Phish for Your Business

choosing the right phish for your business

Selecting the ideal phishing simulation tool requires careful consideration of your specific needs. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Company Size and Industry

Custom-tailored simulations adapt to your industry’s needs and organisation’s workforce.

2. Features Offered 

Some of these features include the availability of customizable templates, automation of campaigns, and reports and analysis among others and integration of the security system.

3. Deployment Options

Cloud-based services are ubiquitous in their nature, but on-premise systems have more control over security.

4. Budget

An important consideration is the pricing structure of different tools some tools provide per-user cost and others subscription-based.

Summary: Top 20 Best Phishing Simulation Tools that Every Business in Sydney Should Use

  1. PhishCare by CyberSapiens
  2. KnowBe4
  3. Cofense
  4. SlashNext
  5. Proofpoint
  6. PhishLabs
  7. Mimecast
  8. Haptens
  9. Abnormal Security
  10. Gophish
  11. Phisher
  12. ThreatSim
  13. Security Awareness Training (SAT)
  14. SpamTitan Phishing Simulator
  15. IT Governance Phishing Simulator
  16. Cloud Phish
  17. Terranova Security
  18. Mobilis Security
  19. ThreatWave
  20. PhishingBox


Phishing attacks pose a significant threat to businesses of all sizes. By leveraging phishing simulation tools alongside other security awareness training initiatives, Sydney businesses can significantly reduce their susceptibility to these attacks.

With the right approach, businesses can empower their employees to be the first line of defence against cyber threats and safeguard their valuable data and reputation.


1. What are the advantages of using phishing simulation tools?

Ans: Phishing simulation tools offer a range of benefits for Sydney businesses. They help employees recognize red flags in real phishing attempts, improve responses to suspicious emails, and provide measurable results to track training effectiveness. Ultimately, these tools lead to a more secure environment by reducing the risk of successful cyberattacks.

2. What factors are important when choosing a phishing simulation tool?

Ans: Several factors influence choosing the right tool for your Sydney business. Consider your company size and industry to ensure simulations address your specific threats. Evaluate features like customization options, reporting capabilities, and integration with existing security systems.
Decide between cloud-based solutions for ease of use or on-premise options for greater data security control. Finally, factor in your budget, as pricing structures vary between per-user costs and subscription models.

3. Are there free phishing simulation tools available?

Ans: Yes, free and open-source options like Gophish and Phisher exist. However, these require technical expertise to set up and maintain and offer limited features compared to paid solutions.

4. Do any Australian companies develop phishing simulation tools?

Ans: Absolutely! Several Australian companies offer effective solutions, including KnowBe4, Cofense, and SlashNext. These tools may cater specifically to local regulations and address common threats faced by businesses in Australia.

5. Is a mobile-focused phishing simulation tool necessary?

Ans: If your Sydney business has a mobile workforce, consider solutions like Mobilis Security or ThreatWave. These tools offer simulations designed specifically for mobile phishing attempts, a growing threat in today’s digital landscape.

6. How often should I conduct phishing simulations?

Ans: Regular simulations are key to maintaining employee awareness. However, finding the right balance is crucial. Aim for a frequency that keeps employees engaged and alert without overwhelming them.

7. What additional security measures can I implement besides phishing simulations?

Ans: While simulations are a powerful tool, a comprehensive approach is essential. Consider regular security awareness training sessions to provide a broader understanding of cyber threats. Additionally, implementing a phishing policy that outlines reporting procedures and employee responsibilities strengthens your defence.
Enforcing strong password policies and multi-factor authentication adds another layer of security. Finally, staying informed about new phishing tactics and trends allows you to keep your employees vigilant.

8. Can I test a phishing simulation tool before purchasing it?

Ans: Many providers offer free trials. This allows you to assess the tool’s functionality and user-friendliness within your Sydney business before committing to a purchase.

9. How can I integrate phishing simulations into onboarding for new employees?

Ans: Including simulations in the onboarding process equips new hires with secure habits from the very beginning of their employment.

10. How do I track the effectiveness of my phishing simulation program?

Ans: Most phishing simulation tools provide reports on employee performance. Analyze these results to identify areas for improvement and adjust your training strategies to continuously enhance employee detection skills.

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